雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.bochk.com › dam › bochkBOCHK

    中銀香港新版港元鈔票正面以香港市花紫荊花及著名地標中銀大廈為主景,配上嶄新圖案;背面則透過五大設計主題 - 智慧都會、自然風貌、文化傳承、生態保育及茶藝文化,將香港中西文化交匯、傳統現代相容、自然人文並秀這一獨特魅力展示在方寸鈔票間。 有別於傳統橫向設計,新鈔背面以直幅方式展現。 此外,鈔票糅合傳統精湛工藝設計與現代先進印製技術,色彩鮮明、圖案細緻。 2018系列鈔票已推出市面流通。 現行流通港鈔仍是香港法定貨幣,與新版港鈔同時流通使用。 使用此網站者請注意,如未得金融管理專員書面同意,切勿複印網站內所儲存鈔票圖像。

  2. 繳付賬單服務. 中銀香港私人銀行一向重視和支持香港藝術發展。. 2012年為龍年,適逢中國銀行百年華誕,我們特邀多位本地藝術家及居港外籍藝術家,透過糅合新穎西方當代藝術技巧和重新演繹中國傳統技法,為我們創作多件出色藝術品。. 我們熱誠歡迎 ...

  3. 中國銀行在港服務100周年展覽. 2017年是中國銀行在港服務100周年,中銀香港特舉辦 「百年中銀 與您同行 — 中國銀行在港服務100周年展覽」,回顧自1917年中國銀行在香港設立分號,歷經百年不懈努力,從不到10人分號發展成為香港主要銀行集團、三家發鈔行之 ...

  4. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  5. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

  6. Bank of China set up a branch in Hong Kong In 1917, Bank of China set up its branch in Hong Kong. Rooted in Hong Kong, the Bank has been serving and growing with the city, and has now become a key financial group with the largest branch network in Hong

  7. Global Remittance BOCHK has established a suite of global remittance services that provide business customers, through diversified branch network and electronic channels, with telegraphic transfer and local interbank transfer in all major settlement currencies.