雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 地址:神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町279. 交通:從港未來線的元町.中華街站4號出口步行約3分鐘. 時間:10:00~17:00(最晚入館時間16:30) ※每週一公休. 門票‎:成人300日元,高中小學生100日元. 官網: https://www.nyk.com/rekishi/e/index.htm. 實際走訪日劇約會聖地|山下公園. 冰川丸一旁的山下公園有個歐式小花園,春秋兩季時可攜手來此欣賞盛開的玫瑰。

  2. 2023年7月6日 · 登上展望台後,可見一旁鄰近的三角山上楓紅,映襯其後繁榮都市街,開闊之視野堪稱是他處賞楓點無可比擬。 大倉山展望台 開放時間:8:30~21:00(4月29日~10月31日)、9:00~17:00(11月1日~3月31日、4月1日~28日)

  3. 2017年5月15日 · The opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was held on October 10, which in 1966 became a national public holiday known as Health and Sports Day. (In the year 2000, the date changed to the second Monday in October.) Many schools hold athletic events and sports meets on this day, dividing their students into color-coded teams of red and ...

  4. 2018年6月28日 · Located in the heart of the city in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward, Rikugien is a kaiyu circuit-style "daimyo garden." It was constructed in the Edo Period (1603 - 1868) in 1702 at the behest of the fifth shogun, Tsunayoshi Tokugawa, by Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu—daimyo of Kawagoe and close friend to Tsunayoshi. The name Rikugien (六義園) is actually a ...

  5. 2017年10月16日 · From here, the process is exactly the same. If you'd like shorthand notes, you can also find a basic summary of the process here . 1. 2. 3. Loppi ticket machines are a convenient way to get tickets for sports events, concerts and theater, as well as day passes for Universal Studios Japan, Disneyland and the Ghibli Museum!

  6. 2016年10月9日 · 这座公园最初是东京高尔夫球俱乐部,日本天皇和英国的爱德华王子都曾在这里打过高尔夫球。 1953年,东京急行电铁等公司在这里建设了专业棒球场地,随后,将其转让给了东京都。 从1962年开始,这里又陆续建设了专业的足球场和排球场并于1964年完工,这些场馆在同年的奥运会比赛中都发挥了 ...

  7. 2020年1月17日 · People in Kyoto are reenacting an ancient type of Japanese football that was played by nobles centuries ago. While most of Tokyo is talking about the Olympics, others are kicking it old school by playing an ancient type of Japanese football called Kemari. Kemari is said to have come from China 14 centuries ago.

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