雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 口才訓練班 : 成功人士說話的風采. 透過講座,經驗分享及個人練習的方式,使學員增強口才及演講表達能力,並懂得避重就輕,用語言建立人際網絡。. 課程內容. (9) 實際在人際關係中之運用。. 學費:HK$1000. 時數:課程共有10小時,分4節進行,每節2.5小時,以 ...

  2. 口才訓練進階班. $ 1,200.00. 課程目的. 本課程旨在為曾修讀口才訓練班之學員而設,亦歡迎鑽研口才的在職人士報讀。. 課程內容. 本課程以導師經驗分享,學員實操為本,聲量吐字,說話內容結構,掌握說話口才技巧,有組織及邏輯地表達,加強學員營造思維 ...

  3. Founded in 1959, Hong Kong School of Commerce has a teaching presence spanning over six decades in Hong Kong. Our individual premises in Tsim Sha Tsui is registered with the Education and Manpower Bureau. We have been committed to nurturing commercial, accounting, education, IT and secretarial professionals, who are constantly in great demand ...

  4. hksc.edu.hk

  5. 會計文憑課程. (專門科目) 12個月課程,一條龍式考取會計員資格! 入學要求 : 完成DSE 或 HKCEE (已修讀BAFS – Accounting Module) 或 同等學歷 (已修讀LCCI LV2) It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead. 學費 :$17,600 (1,600 x 11期)