雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 故事講述憑八十年代電影殭屍先生飾演殭屍獵人紅極一時的動作影星小豪錢小豪飾),風光不再無奈搬入公共屋村凶宅單位2442暫住事業和家庭不如意的小豪本來打算在凶宅內自殺招惹了雙胞胎女鬼纏身結果被隱世天師阿友陳友飾所救

  2. 2024年5月1日 · Welcome to YesAsia.com. We are the number one online shopping website for Asian entertainment products covering Asian movies and videos, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese movies, TV dramas, Asian music, books, comics, games, electronics, and more! We

  3. 2024年5月1日 · Following the acclaimed 2018 series The Trading Floor, Fox creates another original Hong Kong mini-series Stained, this time with the unbeatable lineup of award-winning actors Kara Hui, Anthony Wong and Tse Kwan Ho.Known for hit silver screen romances, writer ...

  4. 70年代,邵氏告別民間浪漫鬼魅傳奇,步入新一代的類型,1970年由日本導演井上梅次執導的鬧鬼凶宅離奇命案《遺產五億圓 鬼新娘》及韓國導演申相玉作品《艷女還魂》(片中許冠英初出茅廬,之後他主演《彊屍先生》及80年代不少港式經典鬼片)更見內臟皮肉。

  5. 2024年5月1日 · Years after the 1985 classic drama The Legend of Lady Chung starring Do-Do Cheng, TVB produces a comedic take on the folk legend of Zhong Wuyen in Queens of Diamonds and Hearts!The station's popular actor Roger Kwok (Square Pegs) leads the cast as the inept king torn between two queens: one ugly but wise, the other beautiful but calculating, played respectively by gorgeous actresses Fala Chen ...

  6. 香港第一套分析罪犯心理的奇案劇集! 翁靜晶-從法律角度窺探人性真貌! 無罪假定. 1982年某天,劉家的獨子放學後遲遲還未歸家,最後被人發現綁架撕票,棄屍荒野。 警員韋信憑劉父的口供,逮捕了兩名疑犯張日新與林少棠。 張雖跟警方合作,惜未能洗脫罪名,相反,案中主犯林卻因為懂得利用法律漏洞,於審訊期間成功推翻了口供,被判當庭釋放,張最終被判非法禁錮及謀殺罪成立,判處終生監禁。 張在獄中埋首研究法律,希望終有一天能為自己翻案。 在獄中渡過了十多年的光景後,律師陸達賢主動提出替張翻案,並從當年的舊檔案中,發現了種種疑點,在各項有利因素顯示下,極有可能當庭釋放,不料當所有事情正遇向完美結局的時候,一個突如其來的轉變卻將一切推翻,盡現人性醜陋的一面…

  7. 2019年1月25日 · From 1987 to 1991, Tsui Hark produced the seminal A Chinese Ghost Story trilogy of live-action films that are essential viewings for all fans of Hong Kong cinema. The visionary filmmaker expanded the supernatural love story to animation in 1997 with A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark Animation..