雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 優惠詳情. 於全線售票處購買正價戲票,可享 9折 優惠. 優惠期:由即日起至2024年12月31日. 未有建行(亞洲)信用卡?. 立即申請 !. 優惠受有關條款及細則約束。. 分享 : 借定唔借? 還得到先好借!.

  2. 10% Discount on Regular-Priced Tickets. Promotion Details. 10% discount on regular-priced ticket purchased at box office counters at all outlets. Promotion Period: From now until December 31, 2024. If you don't have a CCB (Asia) Credit Card yet, click here to apply now! Terms and conditions apply. Share : To borrow or not to borrow?

  3. 八達通自動增值服務. 每次增值更享積分. Masterpass™電子錢包服務. 為您提供一個. 方便網上付款平台. 建行 (亞洲)萬事達卡白金信用卡 , 建行信用卡, 保險, 信用卡尊享, 信用卡, 持卡人禮遇.

  4. 此優惠只適用於戲院票房購票。 同一交易最多可享8張戲票優惠。 此優惠不適用於VIP院 、早場之戲票、星期二全日、特備節目、電影節及與片主有特別協議之電影。

  5. 1. 全新客戶須於申請信用卡前6個月並未持有任何本行所發的信用卡主卡。. 2. 發卡後首3個月內成功申請6個月或以上之「Chill分期」簽賬分期計劃以及總簽賬分期金額達HK$15,000或以上,方可享HK$800現金回贈(客戶須繳付簽賬分期的相關利息)。. 3. 發卡後首2個月內 ...

  6. The CCB (Asia) Graduation Trainee Program (the “Program”) is a 1-year program which provides diversified opportunities to young talents who have aspiration in Finance and banking industry. With 1-year on-the-job training program, you are targeted to be groomed as a competent functional expert in the field of banking.

  7. 建行 (亞洲)信用卡為您帶來彈性的消費模式,您可於多個本地商戶享有免息分期付款計劃,立即按此了解更多。.