雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2017年11月1日 · List: Japan's 12 Original-Construction Castles. www.thekanert.com. While Japan is home to over 300 castles, there are only 12 that still retain their original castle keep. The other castles only claim original outlying buildings, often with a recently reconstructed keep, and many more are simply ruins.

  2. 2016年5月1日 · 11. Chiba Castle (Chiba City) http://www.ccb.or.jp/e/_sightseeing/2262. Chiba Castle was actually built in 1967 on the site of the now-defunct Inohana Castle. It was home to the Chiba Clan, who were at one time important allies of the Kamakura Shogunate. Today visitors can step inside to visit the Chiba Folk Museum. - www.ccb.or.jp. 10.

  3. 擁有70樓層,高相當於296公尺的橫濱地標塔,是日本第2高的大樓,從橫濱市中心抬頭就能看見,不僅是在橫濱未來港,在橫濱市內這座地標塔也可以稱得上是最具代表性的醒目建築了,因此也自然深深吸引著每一位遊客,想來這裡一探究竟。 這棟大樓從地下2樓到地上5樓為具有逛街購物品嘗美食的購物中心,49樓到70樓為橫濱皇家公園酒店,其中69樓為展望頂層空中花園,其他樓層則為各大企業的辦公室,堪稱是橫濱最有魅力的指標景點之一。 官網: http://www.yokohama-landmark.jp/web/chinese_02/ 橫濱山手地區. 當初橫濱開港時由於將山手地區被開闢為外國人的居住地,因此至今在橫濱的街道上仍遺留有大量西洋式建築。

  4. 地址|大阪府大阪市北區池田町5-3. 營業|平日11:00-19:00;假日10:00-19:00. 休息|星期二. 交通|JR東西線「大阪天滿宮」站徒歩2分鐘. 價格|150日圓起. 官網| http://www.otono-syokuhin.com. 親切十足的章魚燒老店|たこ焼きぺちゃ焼き あほや.

  5. 2017年2月19日 · For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship.

  6. 2017年12月11日 · Cycle to the end of the bridge and head over to Sunrise Itoyama for an affordable stay where you can park your bike and rest comfortably for the evening. Come along for a ride along the Shimanami Kaido cycling route and experience 70 kilometers of incredible views and glorious fresh air.

  7. 2015年12月2日 · The site provides pretty much exactly what you would expect: a 360-degree, navigable estimation of a cat’s point of view (streets, rooftops, views from atop barrier walls, etc.). Your mouse will change from a standard pointer or hand to a much more appropriate cat’s paw, and live-recorded, neighborhood-appropriate sound effects are included.

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