雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. *SingPass holders with a MyInfo profile can use MyInfo to automatically fill up the form. By clicking “Next”, you will be re-directed to the MyInfo portal, which is not owned or controlled by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited or any member of the Standard Chartered Group (the “Bank”).

  2. 3 天前 · 信用卡現金套現分期. 不論是分期貸款、結餘轉戶或信用卡套現分期,您只需輸入貸款額、每月平息 (如適用)及還款期,貸款計算機就能助您清楚計算每月還款額及實際年利率 (APR)。.

  3. With PayNow, you can make a one-time transfer to a recipient‘s registered mobile number/NRIC. You do not need to add the recipient as a payee. The total daily limit of all your one-time PayNow transfers is SGD 1,000. You will need to add the recipient as a payee if you wish to transfer a higher amount. Will my PayNow transfers appear on my ...

  4. With Scan & Pay, PayNow QR service, you can make a one-time transfer by scanning the recipient’s PayNow QR code. You do not need to add the recipient as a payee. The total daily limit of all your one-time PayNow transfers and PayNow QR payments is S$1,000. Beyond this limit, you can make PayNow QR payments up to a maximum of S$50,000, by ...

  5. 6期0利率. 6期0利率. 申請免手續費. 【限時好禮雙重送】. 渣打首刷禮:核卡後30天內刷3筆不限金額並成功登入渣打行動銀行即享『NT$500刷卡金』或『LINE FRIENDS COLLER 小收納包 (紫)+裝飾扣 (3入)』. 設定自扣禮:LINE Bank聯名卡設定自動扣款,即享NT$300現金. 申辦流程 ...

  6. 股票代號 股票名稱 股票代號 股票名稱 股票代號 股票名稱 股票代號 股票名稱 股票代號 股票名稱 股票代號 股票名稱 1321 大洋 2109 華豐 2637 F-慧洋 3481 群創 5306 桂盟 6803 崑鼎 1323 永裕 2114 鑫永銓 2702 華園 3484 崧騰 5309 系統 6702 復航

  7. 台幣約定轉帳 網路銀行+行動銀行 單筆最高:新台幣200萬元 當日累計最高:新台幣300萬元 當月累計最高:無限制 * 約定轉帳指轉入與本行約定之本人、他人或他行帳戶. * 包含繳本行本人信用卡款及台幣約定轉帳;但就客戶本人在本行所持有之新台幣帳戶間轉帳,且轉出或轉入帳號皆非屬一般 ...