雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 是中華人民共和國的一個特別行政區。但香港本身也在向自己的鼓手邁進,尤其是在房地產價格高昂的世界。今天,銅鑼灣地區被認為是世界上最昂貴的零售街 這一地區也剛剛在11年來首次擊敗紐約市第五大道。 這是總部位於紐約的庫什曼和韋克菲爾德在完成2012年高端零售市場調查後得出的結論 ...

  2. 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 新房價格差距縮小21個百分點至14% 在過去的五年裡,由752平方英尺和香港島對新界的新的大眾住宅單位所支配的價格溢價從90%下降到79 ...

  3. 1999 was an unforgettable year for He Chaoqiong This year, she started as Managing Director of Shun Tak Group. This year, she also experienced the historical moment of Macao's return to the motherland. Looking back over the past 20 years, He Chaoqiong said that the day of the opening ceremony of MGM

  4. Shun Tak (00242) invested in the Suhewan Comprehensive Project in Jing'an District, Shanghai through its joint venture, and will develop jointly with Rundi (01109) The project is under construction and is expected to be completed in stages starting in 2021. Through its joint venture with Zhonghua E

  5. 本市關注武漢的肺炎疫情,香港已錄得首例死亡個案 在社會民心被打亂的時候,並沒有傷害到開發商新增土壤儲備的願望。港鐵(0066)將軍澳日出戛納12期住宅開發專案昨日關閉。共收到9份投標書。這是日出戛納在每一個階段推出的項目,並收到了第三大投標。首都一期以及2019年4月關閉的11個開發 ...

  6. US President Trump abruptly changed his tone, saying that the trade talks may be signed after the next election The market is worried that the Sino-US trade war will continue. Point, a new low since October 11. Afterwards, it was boosted by the A-shares in the Mainland and the good news that Hong Ko

  7. Prince Edward Deng 120 million West Ring Shop, 30% appreciation in one year Some investors short-selled the West Ring Shop, earning nearly 30% of the book in one year. Deng Juming, chairman and chief executive officer of Prince Jewelry Watch and Clock, known as "Prince Edward", has recently re-open

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