雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年12月1日 · This video is private. Watch on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gc2oIwxVTg. To highlight the differences, has put together a video providing a literal side-by-side comparison, as she does up the left half of her face using Korean styles and techniques, and the right half using Japanese ones.

  2. 2016年1月19日 · Another Australian Youtuber, Wengie, offers basic makeup tips perfect for beginners who need to "brush-up" on the basics while using affordable beauty care products that don't break the wallet. She doesn't limit her purchases to Oz, but also tries skincare products from Korea and eyeliner and eye makeup from Japan to get the best products from around Asia and Oceania.

  3. 2019年12月28日 · Just go to the Koreatown of Tokyo, Shin-Okubo, to get all the trending Korean cosmetics, idol goods, and more. And while you're exploring, you can chow down on popular street foods like potato corn dog, hotteok, and yan'nyomu chicken. Location: Shin-Okubo Station on the Yamanote Line.

  4. 鄭 世彬 日本藥妝資訊作家。日中翻譯家。日本經紀公司株式會社TWINPLANET專屬文化人。 擁有10年以上的日中翻譯經驗,於2011年正式出道成為作家。在臺灣與香港從事眾多日本藥妝資訊的寫作活動。目前除寫作活動之外,也擔任起日本藥妝商品的發言人,於台灣各地舉辦日本藥妝講座,同時也為日本 ...

  5. All About 鄭 世彬. 日本藥妝資訊作家。. 日中翻譯家。. 日本經紀公司株式會社TWINPLANET專屬文化人。. 擁有10年以上的日中翻譯經驗,於2011年正式出道成為作家。. 在臺灣與香港從事眾多日本藥妝資訊的寫作活動。. 目前除寫作活動之外,也擔任起日本藥妝商品的 ...

  6. 北海道位在日本最北端,是台灣人心中排名數一數二的旅遊勝地,也一直是Natalie非常嚮往去旅行的城市,前陣子有機會到札幌兩天一夜遊,今天就來與大家分享這趟北海道・札幌的兩日遊行程,雖然沒有深度的走訪各個角落,但是也是場回憶滿滿的旅遊行程。從東京出發到札幌的交通資運、住宿 ...

  7. 2017年10月2日 · The Kyaraben Behind the Cover. According to Kyarabenist.jp, a kyarabenist is anyone who loves making mealtime fun by decorating rice and making kyaraben, or character bento. The site is about more than highlighting a selection of delightful creations, however—it's first and foremost about teaching people how to become a " kyarabenist master!"