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  3. 若你是求職者,. 請按 Register 登記成為會員並填妥你的個人履歷,. 我們將有專人為你配對工作。. 若你是僱主,. 請致電 31884978、WhatsApp 63550329 或電郵至 cs@cooljobz.com 與我們聯絡。. 熱門文章:. 【求職新志向】大眾財務注重公司法律和法規 招聘「合規主任」審查 ...

  4. HKGoodJobs HKGoodJobs是NO.1 社交求職搵工網站,提供專業招聘及獵頭服務,擁有大量創新創意或高端職位 ...

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  6. Public Finance Limited (formerly known as "JCG Finance Company, Limited") ("Public Finance" or the "Company") was incorporated in October, 1977. It is one of the largest financial institutions in Hong Kong with a total of 44 branches located in Hong Kong Island ...

  7. HKGoodJobs is committed to helping you find the perfect match for your skills, interests, and career aspirations in Hong Kong's dynamic job market. Recommended Jobs. Finding the right job can be pivotal in shaping your career trajectory. Our curated selection of recommended jobs is tailored to match your ambitions and aspirations.