雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Many in their twenties and thirties nowadays are using dating apps and websites to find love, especially as they are generally free of charge. Tinder and OkCupid work fine in Japan, plus some local ones like Pairs and Matchbook. Thanks to your smartphone, love is now only a few feet away. You can find just about anything in Japan, from dancing ...

  2. 從秋田大學畢業後,綾在東京找到了一份與服裝製造相關的工作,工作地點在惠比壽。 為了能在東京安定下來,找房大作戰開始了。 由於房租預算與始終不肯放下自己那顆傲嬌的心,最終,她選擇落腳在三軒茶屋。 既不過分華麗,也並不老土,三軒茶屋的街區氛圍與綾當時的心境完美合拍,於是她的東京生活正式拉開了序幕。 第2集・三軒茶屋篇・『令人憧憬的東京生活,漸入佳境』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJWplBAZ_58&list=PLbTnSlnwMIPNZsfpq5Sf9pXS-IdgwavUh&index=2. 筆者在看第二集時,一度覺得這部劇集的贊助商裡,一定有房產不動產公司在列。

  3. 適合大人們的東京4大經典約會聖地 | All About Japan. 無論你是從海外轉成飛來東京躲避煩憂,與愛侶約會,還是平時就住在這裡,週末來談談情逛逛街,大家面臨的共同難題或許是,可去的地方太多,不知如何抉擇。 這邊剛剛流連於能享受頂級饕餮的米芝連星級餐廳,那邊雙雙做好靜謐爵士酒吧,點兩杯威士忌,看窗外無敵灣景。 無數商場,無數小店,哪個都不想錯過。 最後突發奇想,又要寧靜一點,知性一些,去神社散步,再去到富有歷史感的地標讓建築慢慢遊歷。 不單是今年的情人節,每個情人節,東京這4大必去約會街區,都是不會讓你失望的經典路線。 Top4. 外苑前. 「外苑前」 之所以能排入東京的約會聖地, 其中最大的原因是地點非常棒!

  4. 2018年1月9日 · 20 Absolutely Romantic Date Spots in Tokyo. 14. Discover the beauty of science at Sony ExploraScience. Sony ExploraScience is an experienced based science museum located at Daiba, and is a place loved by couples and families. The museum is split into four sections - information; sound; light and theatre - where you can explore various concepts ...

  5. 2018年1月9日 · Here are 20 of the best date spots you can find in the city! 20. A luxurious date at The Cruise Club Tokyo. The Cruise Club Tokyo is located at the Bay of Tokyo, and is a place which offers fantastic view of the entire city. Landmarks such as the Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower can be viewed from The Cruise Club Tokyo.

  6. 東京宿的歌舞伎町,只看名字,似乎和傳統文化有關,當年筆者第一次來宿時,獨自一人走進這條街,到處都是拉皮條的小哥,才發現走錯路,趕緊逃了出來。宿可謂是亞洲最大的紅燈區,當年在這裡拉皮條,而後搖身一變成社會名流的也大有人在。

  7. 2020年3月6日 · Japan’s many love hotels offer couples a private space for some intimate time, typically for an hourly rate. However, despite what you might expect, love hotels are slowly beginning to shed their image as hotbeds of illicit after-hours activity. Between Japan’s small apartments and the prevalence of people living at home well into their 30s ...

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