雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年10月2日 · Japan's Fabulous Fall Colors Guide by Month. Veltra Updated October 2, 2018. Temples Parks Flowers Mount Fuji Autumn Colors Japanese Countryside Temples & Shrines Kyoto Hokkaido Ibaraki Shizuoka Yamanashi. Cooler weather, tasty seasonal specialties and a longer duration makes autumn an ideal season to visit Japan.

  2. 2019年6月4日 · 世界遺產 深度日本 能量景點 鹿兒島 九州地區. 1993年被登錄為世界自然遺產的日本屋久島,為隸屬於日本九州鹿兒島縣南方大隅列島群的一部份,面積約為132平方公里,緯度約與中國杭州平行,是一個多山之島。 屋久島被稱為是日本下雨最多的地方,當地有一句俗話「一個月下35天的雨」,而在日本降雨紀錄上,屋久島一天的降雨量曾與北海道全年的降雨量相同。 這次就讓我們一起到原始森林的的秘境「屋久島」屏住呼吸擁抱自然! 呈圓菱形狀的屋久島上環繞著山麓,因常年有濕潤的空氣籠罩及大量的雨水浸潤,森林內的植被生長得極為繁茂。 原始森林內,枝椏縱橫蔓延,山間淺澗清流,時不時跑出的野鹿及猿猴,與你來個猝不及防的「邂逅」,反倒令你為自己的冒然造訪而深感慚愧。

  3. 2020年8月26日 · Global Warming Behind Japan’s Extreme Weather. NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN Updated August 26, 2020. Shoryudo Summer Kumamoto Nagano Yamagata Tohoku Chubu Kyushu Koshinetsu. www.youtube.com. A panel of experts at the Japan Meteorological Agency said that global warming likely contributed to the flooding in Japan in July.

  4. 休館日:展期無休. 費用:成人1,800日元、高・大學生1,200日元、4歲~國中生600日元、65歲以上1,500日元. 開館時間:10:00~22:00(週二〜17:00) ※最後入場時間為閉館前30分. 官方網站: https://www.mori.art.museum/jp/exhibitions/shiotachiharu/. 1. 2. 乘上高速電梯,一轉眼,53樓 ...

  5. 2019年8月21日 · Unmanned stations on Japan's smaller train lines are becoming an increasingly popular tourist attraction, and one glimpse at the views some of them offer is all you'll need to understand why!

  6. 2020年1月10日 · Japan is great to visit all year round, but it's no secret that one of the best times of year to explore the Land of the Rising Sun is cherry blossom season! As one of the most popular periods for travel, it pays to plan ahead—which is why we're pleased to bring you the first forecast of 2020!

  7. 2020年5月20日 · Ducklings born at a temple in Kyoto move to a nearby river in what has become an annual event. The move has become an annual event since a pair of ducks came to the temple and had babies. Eight young ducks began their journey from Yoboji Temple. The mother duck soon disappeared, but that didn’t stop the children from continuing their adventure.