雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本應用程式設有中文繁體丶簡體丶葡文和英文版本,推出初期一共設有7個主要資訊欄目:《新聞》丶《圖片》丶《視頻》丶《專題新聞》丶《澳門雜誌》丶《熱門新聞》及《熱門圖片》,其中《新聞》有21個分類。. 《澳門政府新聞》設有分享功能,切合社交 ...

  2. news.gov.mo › msar › publicNEWS GOV-MO

    NEWS GOV-MO. “Macao Government News” is a mobile device application developed by the Macao Government Information Bureau that provides latest official information regarding public policies, government news, photographs and videos. This app is available in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese and English. In its initial launch ...

  3. 本应用程序设有中文繁体丶简体丶葡文和英文版本,推出初期一共设有7个主要信息栏目:《新闻》丶《图片》丶《视频》丶《专题新闻》丶《澳门杂志》丶《热门新闻》及《热门图片》,其中《新闻》有21个分类。. 《澳门政府新闻》设有分享功能,切合社交 ...

  4. news.gov.mo › msar › publicnews.gov.mo


  5. “2021粵澳名優商品展”亮點豐富,聚焦科技元素,為參展商構建線上線下交流平台同時,推廣粵澳兩地旅遊美食產品,為疫下經濟增添活力。 由澳門貿易投資促進局、廣東省商務廳合辦“2021粵澳名優商品展”一連三天在澳門威尼斯人展館D舉行。今(27)日舉行開幕典禮,由澳門貿易投資促進局 ...

  6. news.gov.mo › msar › publicNEWS GOV-MO

    A aplicação de telemóvel “Notícias do Governo de Macau” iOS & Android está disponível para descarregar gratuitamente em App Store ou Google Play.

  7. The three-week online registration process for the exchange of the Rat and Ox Zodiac banknotes and the previously issued 20th Anniversary of the Return to the Motherland of Macao banknotes by Macao residents will be starting at 9:00 am on 22 March 20...