雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年11月23日 · 在美丽富饶的马饲野牧场,可以真正的体验“牧场人”的生活日常。. 这里有免费的挤牛奶体验,也有大人和孩子均可的骑马体验。. 在园内有制定的动物食物贩卖点,只需要100日元就可以拿到一盒新鲜的蔬菜,跟园内的小动物们喂食和互动。. 挤牛奶体验. 时间 ...

  2. 2016年4月27日 · One might say that Golden Week is truly golden, because not only do students get a bit of vacation time, but it’s actually the longest vacation period of the year for many Japanese employees, making it a highly anticipated holiday for families residing in Japan. The key dates are April 29 (Showa Day), May 3 (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4 ...

  3. 舒適旅行,從此開始. 「書與床」— BOOK AND BED TOKYO位於東京池袋,是一家被設計成書店的主題旅館。. 旅館內有30個床位,分為標準客房與小型客房,衛生間浴室皆為共用,經常光顧國際青年旅社的文青們對此并不陌生。. 旅館內前廳一排排書架上圖書琳瑯滿目 ...

  4. 2020年1月24日 · While beckoning cat statues are usually holding a gold koban coin which represents the attainment of wealth, Gotokuji maneki neko aren't holding anything—because they believe that while a cat may beckon luck, it is up to you to capture it. Location: 2 Chome-24-7 Gotokuji, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0021.

  5. 鄰近電器街秋葉原站,當店提供有正統九州豚骨拉麵,一碗不到一個銅板價,只需480日幣幾乎是打破市場的佛心價格。即便如此當店的湯頭一點都不輸需要一倍價錢以上的拉麵店,精心熬製的湯頭滑順中帶有些許甜味,搭配軟硬恰到好處的麵條以及中規中矩的配料,在日本美食排行榜tabelog上也有3.5 ...

  6. 2017年4月11日 · Kyoto was beset with a series of natural disasters after he died in exile in 903, and Kitano Tenmangu Shrine was built to appease his spirit. He is now revered as Tenjin, the Shinto god of learning. When: The Tenjin-san Market is open on the 25th of every month starting at 6:00 a.m. and lasting until 4:00 p.m.

  7. 2017年10月3日 · For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship. However, if you make your way back past the rear shrine buildings, you’ll find a scene of ethereal beauty.

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