雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 綫上翻譯. 【查查綫上翻譯】是網上獨一無二的綫上辭典,它有以下特點. 超大詞庫. 普通辭典有和沒有的都能查到,涵蓋工作生活各個領域. 豐富例句. 大量的例句讓您清晰地理解每個詞匯的實際具體用法. 真人發音. 常用詞匯標有中英文音標,並可播放真人錄制 ...

  2. 例句與用法. He was now a man of forty-seven . 菲力浦當時已是個 四十七 歲的了。. I lost forty-seven pounds by being honest this morning . 今天早上就因為忠厚我損失了 四十七 鎊。. It was already dark when celia walked to forty-seven park street . 西莉亞步行去 四十七 號公園大街時,天色已 ...

  3. The play has a very complicated plot . 這個戲的 劇情 很復雜。. The plot was simple but moving . also , every scene in the movie looked very realistic . 那部電影的 劇情 很簡單,但是很感人,而且電影里的每一景看起來都很逼真。. Brief historical information in tabular form. -歷史人物及相關影視 ...

  4. 在這種情況下 英文. 發音: "在這種情況下"怎麼讀 用"在這種情況下"造句. 英文翻譯 手機版. in this case. in this instance. in/under the circumstances. under / in the circumstances. under these circumstances. "在" 英文翻譯 : exist; be living. "情況" 英文翻譯 : circumstances; situation; co ... "下" 英文翻譯 : below; down; under; undernea ... "情況既然如此,在這種情況下" 英文翻譯 : such being the case.

  5. " bash " is informal and means breaking or injuring something or somebody by hitting hard. “Bash”是口語用法,意為通過猛力地擊打破壞某物或 撞傷 某人。 I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head. 我撞到一扇玻璃門上,把頭 撞傷 了。 He hit his head , mr . bens . he ' s in a coma. 本茨先生,他 撞傷 了頭,還在昏迷當中. I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car. 我穿過馬路時差點被車 撞傷。

  6. 例句與用法. The seriousness of water shortages becomes apparent . 缺水的 嚴重性 就更為明顯了。. He has not yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation . 他還沒意識到情況的 嚴重性。. The seriousness of these two diseases could hardly be exaggerated . 這兩種病的 嚴重性 簡直不可言喻。.

  7. 例句與用法. These attractive and imposing looking desks are made of an entirely new material which is stain-resistant and absolutely scratch-proof . 這些既美觀又有氣派的辦公桌采用的是防污染、防 刮傷 的新材料。. " they may scratch you rub you the wrong way. "他們也許會用不正當的方法擦傷 刮傷 你,.