雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · 本網站為明報新聞網。自1995年推出的明報新聞網,一直為全球華人提供最具公信力的新聞資訊。明報網站是一個大型綜合入門網站,現設有多個獨立主題網站,涵蓋新聞、時事、財經、健康、教育、科技、旅遊、娛樂、生活等題材,為讀者提供高質素的內容及網上增值服務,明報網站會員更可在 ...

  2. 3 天前 · 【明報專訊】THE CASE OF THREE MEN charged by the UK for assisting Hong Kong's intelligence agencies has become increasingly mysterious. One of the defendants, who used to serve in the British military, has died in broad daylight in a British park. The cause of his death is currently unexplained.

  3. 4 天前 · 【21:25更新】晚上7時許,警方接獲多宗報案,指水泉澳廣場一樓快餐店有一名男子懷疑突然用刀傷人,一名40多歲餐廳女職員手臂受傷,途人制服男疑犯。 警員趕到現場,於便利店對開尋獲該名43歲男疑犯,他報稱頭痛,其後被送往威爾斯親王醫院檢查。 另有一名46歲餐廳男經理頸部受傷,一名孕婦受驚,一名協助制服疑犯的市民受傷,全部人清醒送院治理。 案件暫時列作傷人,警方正調查事件。 點擊觀看更多圖片. +1. 現場消息指,疑犯於大快活餐廳首先襲擊一名女收銀員,另一名餐廳職員和部分途人挺身而出,有人手持金屬梯、餐車與疑犯對峙。 根據街坊提供的相片和影片,疑犯當時手持的刀具約有手臂般長,他被至少3名男子制服壓在地上,警員到場後將他鎖上手銬帶走。 快餐店地下留有血迹,警員封鎖現場調查。 相關字詞﹕ 傷人.

  4. 5 天前 · 圖1之1. 【明報專訊】IN TAIWAN, Lai Ching-te has been sworn in as the new leader of the government. His inaugural speech was full of indications of Taiwan independence, stressing only that the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) are not subordinate to each other. He evaded the notion of "one China" included ...

  5. 4 天前 · 【明報專訊】The huge success of the movie Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In in Hong Kong and on the mainland has rekindled many people's interest in the history of the Kowloon Walled City. The government revealed that it is discussing with the film industry whether some parts of the film set can be displayed at a suitable location for tourists and citizens to visit and take pictures.