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  1. 2023年4月6日 · The purpose of the present value annuity tables is to make it possible to carry out annuity calculations without the use of a financial calculator. They provide the value now of 1 received at the end of each period for n periods at a discount rate of i%.

  2. 什麼是合資格年金保費. 合資格年金保費是指為簽訂或續訂經保監局核證為合資格延期年金保單而須向保險人繳付的淨款額,但以關乎提供年金款項的淨款額為限。 扣除資格. 自 2019/20 課税年度起,如你或你同住配偶根據合資格延期年金保單,以保單持有人身分為年金領取人可領取的年金款項繳付合資格年金保費,可申請有關扣除。 保單持有人必須為: 你自己; 你的配偶;或. 你及你的配偶. 合資格年金保費的繳款人必須為: 你自己; 你的同住配偶;或. 你及你的同住配偶. 年金領取人必須為: 你自己;或. 你在有關課税年度內任何時間的配偶;或. 你自己及你在有關課税年度內任何時間的配偶. 年金領取人同時必須在有關課税年度內持有香港身分證. 已婚人士申索扣除.

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  4. 香港年金計劃. 提供「攞足一世」的保證收入,讓你擁有安枕無憂的生活! 即買即享. 年金下月即收到. 收入保證. 銀碼不變無煩惱. 長派長有. 保證派到百年歸老. 計劃一覽. 保險公司. 香港年金有限公司 (香港年金公司) 由外匯基金全資擁有 1. 申請資格. 60歲或以上香港永久性居民. 保費繳付. 整付保費. 保費金額. 50,000 - 5,000,000 港元 2. 保障年期及年金入息期. 終身. 身故賠償. 每月收取直至保證期結束 / 一筆過收取. 特別款項提取安排. 最高可提取百分百已繳保費的餘額以支付醫療相關開支 3 ,每名受保人的終身總提取上限為1,000,000港元 4. 以 100 萬港元保費計算的保證每月年金金額. $5,100. 6.1% 年金派發率6.

    • What Is An Annuity table?
    • How An Annuity Table Works
    • Annuity Table and The Present Value of An Annuity

    An annuity table is a tool for determining the present valueof an annuity or other structured series of payments. Such a tool, used by accountants, actuaries, and other insurance personnel, takes into account how much money has been placed into an annuity and how long it has been there to determine how much money would be due to an annuity buyer or...

    An annuity table provides a factor, based on time, and a discount rate(interest rate) by which an annuity payment can be multiplied to determine its present value. For example, an annuity table could be used to calculate the present value of an annuity that paid $10,000 a year for 15 years if the interest rate is expected to be 3%. According to the...

    Present Value of an Annuity Formulas

    The formula for the present value of an ordinary annuity, as opposed to an annuity due, is as follows: P=PMT×1−(1+r)−nrwhere:P=Present value of an annuity streamPMT=Dollar amount of each annuity paymentr=Interest rate (also known as the discount rate)n=Number of periods in which payments will be made\begin{aligned}&\text{P} =\text{PMT}\times\frac{ 1 - (1 + r) ^ -n}{r}\\&\textbf{where:}\\&\text{P} = \text{Present value of an annuity stream}\\&\text{PMT} =\text{Dollar amount of each annuity pay...

    Present Value of an Annuity Table

    Rather than working through the formulas above, you could alternatively use an annuity table. An annuity table simplifies the math by automatically giving you a factor for the second half of the formula above. For example, the present value of an ordinary annuity table would give you one number (referred to as a factor) that is pre-calculated for the (1 - (1 + r) ^ - n) / r) portion of the formula. The factor is determined by the interest rate (r in the formula) and the number of periods in w...

    • Julia Kagan
    • 2 分鐘
  5. 2023年12月21日 · An annuity table, often referred to as a “present value table,” is a financial tool that simplifies the process of calculating the present value of an ordinary annuity. By finding the present value interest factor of an annuity (PVIFA) on the table, you can easily determine the current worth of your annuity payments.

  6. 5 天前 · An annuity table represents a method for determining the present value of an annuity. The annuity table contains a factor specific to the number of payments over which you expect to receive a series of equal payments and at a certain discount rate .

  7. An annuity table is a method that helps in understanding the worth of an annuity. It calculates the present value and future value of the annuity, considering the value and the time period of the investment. The table helps an investor in making informed decisions while planning for investments.

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