雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月29日 · Mirror是東京的東區發信新文化的複合設施。 由名牌店與小店組成的七層樓的建築內,有許多流行的餐廳和酒吧、可以眺望隅田川與東京晴空塔的咖啡廳、還有可以打桌球的酒吧等等。

  2. 2023年11月29日 · Mirror Mirror是东京东部地区传播新文化的综合设施。再开发项目的第一个项目。由品牌店和零售店组成的7层的建筑物内,汇集了各种餐厅、酒吧、可眺望隅田川和东京天空树的咖啡馆、可以打乒乓球的酒吧等,它的屋顶酒吧也极具魅力。 ※2023年12月停止营业

  3. 2023年10月6日 · 出光美術館開設於1966年,用來對外公開日本大型石油公司創辦人出光佐三先生耗時70多年歲月蒐集而來的收藏品。 館內主要展示日本書畫、日本陶瓷器、中國陶瓷器等東亞古代藝術品,並每年依據不同主題舉辦5到6次展覽。 出光佐三先生又以收藏許多奧作品而聞名,因此這裡亦設有介紹這些作品的專用展示室。 除此之外,由於這座美術館擁有豐富陶瓷器藏品,其陶片室也相當備受歡迎,遊客可參觀亞洲與中東地區的陶片資料。 這間美術館不僅有令人印象深刻的收藏品和慎重監製的展覽,也以其可眺望皇居的絕佳地點而聞名。 盡情參觀展覽與教育共用空間之後,不妨坐在觀景窗邊享受皇居景色。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 交通方式. 有樂町站有樂町線B3出口步行3分鐘. 聯絡方式. 網站. 東京都中心. 東京車站・丸之內. 關鍵詞. 夜晚景點.

  4. 2023年10月6日 · Panasonic汐留美術館. 東京都港區東新橋1-5-1 Panasonic東京汐留大樓4F. Updated: October 6, 2023. Panasonic汐留美術館(東京汐留)除了在常設、企劃展上公開法國畫家喬治‧奧的畫作之外,還會舉辦以「建築、住所」、「工藝、設計」為主題的企劃特展。. 查詢地圖.

    • Best Spots to See Tokyo City Views
    • Free Observation Decks
    • Spots to See The Tokyo Night Skyline

    There are many places to go up to catch a sweeping view of the Tokyo cityscape. In high-rise-heavy districts like Shinjuku and Shibuya, there are bars and restaurants situated near the tops of buildings where you can gaze out on the urban expanse. There are also many spots that are landmarks in their own right, and that offer fantastic views and fu...

    Tokyo has countless places to catch a beautiful view of the cityscape, but what if you don’t want to eat, shop or pay an entrance fee? What if you just want to take in awesome views for free? Plenty of buildings and complexes have free roof decks or observation platforms. Here are some great options.

    As night falls, Tokyo becomes an endless expanse of lights in the darkness. Some of the spots we mentioned offer great night views. The very top deck (250 meters) of Tokyo Tower has topsy-turvy mirrors and LED lighting effects that give the feeling of floating above the city in a high-tech spaceship through a sea of stars. And while the views from ...

  5. If you are not afraid of heights, try standing on the glass floor sections and look directly down to the ground—almost 145 meters under your feet. The very top deck— up at 250 meters— was renovated in early 2018, adding topsy-turvy mirrors and LED lighting

  6. 2024年4月22日 · Modern and contemporary artworks in public spaces are a feature of cities around the world, and Tokyo is no exception. This kind of public art is free for everyone to look at, and plays an important role in shaping the cultural identity of a place. It provides opportunities for artists to connect with local communities, and encourages discussion and reflection on various issues. In Tokyo, you ...