雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年12月13日 · 'By the end of next week' means before or on the 22nd, but no later. That Sunday is the latest date. 'By next week' is possibly unclear. My first thought is that it means 'before next week begins' = 'by the end of this week', that is on or before Sunday the 15th, but

  2. by + 一個時間點,語意為在…以前,用來為一件事或一個動作的完成設下期限 (表示某事已經發生或應該發生的時間點)。請注意當時間副詞為由by帶領的片語時,句子的動詞通常都帶有未來性,如plan, want, need, hope等,或是時態為未來式或過去未來式。. The project ...

  3. 2016年5月13日 · 位置. 1.at + 特定位置. 2.on + 表面上. 3.in + 物體裡面. 4.by + 附近、旁邊. 時間. 1.at + 準確的時間 例:at 7:30. 2.on + 日期/星期/節日 例: on birthday/ on Wednesday. 3.in + 長時間 例: in Summer/ in 1975 / in May. 4by +日期截止 例: by tomorrow/ by next week. 圖片來源: pixabay. 除了上面文章內容,你還可以參考下方更多相關英文教學。 更多英文會話. 【英文介係詞】英文”on”,”in”,”at”的用法. 【英文介系詞】表達時間時,「On、In、At」的使用時機與英文用法. 「At、On、In」介係詞用法大解析!

  4. 2020年9月22日 · Before 通常指某個時間點或某個事件之前。 這裡要注意:當你說 Before 「時間點/事件」時,是不包含「時間點/事件發生時」本身的喔,也就是說你要趕在時間點之前。 例: Can you call me back before 4 pm, please? 你可以在下午四點之前打給我嗎? 上面這個例句表達的是,你不能剛好四點打給我,你要在時間還沒到四點時打給我。 2.Before 可以當介系詞. Before 本身也可以當介系詞,當介系詞時,後面會接名詞。 例: I like to do some exercise before dinner. 晚餐前我喜歡做點運動。 另外,before後面接的名詞,也可以是地名喔。 例:

  5. 2014年9月5日 · When by + time is used in the following way, Complete the assignment by 3pm today. Complete the assignment by this Thursday. Complete the assignment by next week. Complete the assignment by next y...

  6. 按問題格式分類的最新問題. by the next week的同義字By this time next week, you should have handed in the homework. (This is indicating a point of time, Wednesday etc) By the next week doesn't sound very natural. That's the difference :)

  7. The phrase "by next week" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when talking about a timeline for a specific event or task. For example, "I will finish the project by next week."

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