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  1. paper.udn.com › udnpaper › POH0061常春藤e起學英語

    2022年3月22日 · 刺蝟的名稱是基於牠們尋找食物的方式而來的 ── 在樹籬和灌木叢中潛行,同時發出像豬一樣的呼嚕聲。 由於刺蝟視力較差,牠們在夜間主要依靠敏銳的嗅覺和聽覺尋找食物。 刺蝟的飲食很多元,包括水果、蘑菇、昆蟲、蝸牛甚至蛇,牠們並不挑食。 信不信由你,牠們能夠在一個晚上就吃掉相當於牠們體重三分之一的食物。 ... rely on / upon... 依賴...;信賴... diverse a....

  2. 2022年12月6日 · intricate a. 錯綜複雜的;繁複的. inhabit vt. 棲息於;居住於. 閱讀全文. 棉花糖:只融你口的甜蜜雲朵 When Sugar Is All You’ve Got: Cotton Candy. DEC 05,2022/Enjoy Editors. Learn about this classic sweet treat. As a child, you loved...

  3. 本文 "The carrot and stick method was long thought to be the best way to beat procrastination." 中的 carrot and stick 表「威逼利誘,胡蘿蔔加棍子」,是一種以獎勵(胡蘿蔔)與懲罰(棍子伺候)同時進行的一種策略,即使用軟硬兼施的手段使人屈服。. carrot 本義為「胡蘿蔔」,常被 ...

  4. In most countries, the Christmas season ends on New Year’s Day. For Italians, Christmas lasts a bit longer, until January 6th. That’s when a holiday called the Epiphany takes place. It’s a day to celebrate when the Three Wise Men brought gifts to honor the baby Jesus. Men brought gifts to honor the baby Jesus.

  5. 2018年6月26日 · You've just finished devouring a five-course meal at a fancy restaurant. During dinner, you consumed a plate of oysters , plenty of mashed potatoes with gravy , and an enormous juicy steak. When everyone is finished with their main course, you tell the people sitting at your table that you're stuffed and can't eat another bite. __1__ How could this be?

  6. Easter follows Lent, a 40-day period of disciplined eating, prayer, and contemplation. 理由: a. (A) disciplined a. 遵守紀律的. The team's disciplined approach helped them finish the assignment before the deadline. 這個團隊守紀律的態度讓他們在期限前把工作完成。. (B) paralyzed a. 癱瘓的.

  7. 2022年8月9日 · >常春藤周年慶~全年最低65折起!】展翅飛翔,迎向未來,繼續擴展你的知識廣度~ 立即訂閱 > 【電子報的內容你有學會了嗎? 】現在上 一對一線上家教,贈送當期雜誌,可任意挑選喜歡的文章,每週1-2堂課,連續4週保證讓你更愛開口說英語!! ‧卡車燃料未來誰主導 電池或氫能?

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