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    • 1. 恩假 to be/go on compassionate leave 在/去休恩假
  2. 2018年11月9日 · 撰文:梁啟敏. 出版: 2018-11-09 14:29 更新:2018-11-10 18:04. 不少打工仔在評選僱主好壞時,都會以假期數量及種類作為其中一個標準,特別是如姻親假(婚假)及恩恤假等僱傭條例沒涵蓋的假期,更可說是企業給予員工的特別福利。 香港不少公司都有為僱員提供紅、白二事的假期,不過員工需提供種種文件以作證明,申請程序繁瑣。 若是計劃婚姻大事,還可早點處理請假事宜,但如摯親突然離世,在傷痛時還得處理這些程序,又是否合乎公司提供假期的原意呢? 不少公司都有向員工提供紅、白二事的假期,但申請程序一般都比較繁瑣。 (資料圖片/林振東攝) 李先生(化名)早前表示,近日因家人離世需向公司申請恩恤假,於是向人力資源部門查詢相關程序。

  3. Special leaves to meet employees’ family needs, such as marriage leave, parental leave, compassionate leave, special casual leave, birthday leave and filial leave, etc. Flexible work arrangements, such as five-day work week, flexible working hours, flexitime, work from home or remote work, job sharing, etc.

  4. Compassionate leave is a type of leave that is taken when an employee or their immediate family member experiences a serious illness, injury, or death. It is different from other types of leave in that it is not taken for vacation or personal reasons, but rather to provide support and care for a family member or loved one in a time of need.

  5. 2022年9月30日 · Getting compassionate leave can help you better handle sensitive situations without jeopardising your job security and professional relationships. Knowing when to apply for this type of absence from work and how to request it can help you avoid feelings of resentment and manage personal challenges effectively.

  6. COMPASSIONATE LEAVE翻譯:(由於親屬去世或患病而特准的)恩假,喪假。了解更多。

  7. 2016年9月5日 · Compassionate leave 恩恤假. Sick leave 病假. Casual leave 臨時事假. Jury service leave 陪審團假. Parental leave 家長日假. Filial leave 敬孝假. 近年有啲僱主實行「敬孝假」,即係員工父母生日當天可以放假陪他們! P.S. 當你見到同事請 Casual Leave,唔好原文照譯,以為佢放「隨便假」,其實 Casual Leave 係指臨時事假! 可能你有興趣: 事假必備! 書面請假四步曲! 可能你有興趣: English in the Workplace. 5/9/2016 | Categories: 商業英語 | Tags: 職場用語. 原來請假唔止大假、病假同產假! 仲有好多唔同嘅假期!

  8. Compassionate Leave For all appointees: Compassionate leave of up to 2 working days may be granted to an appointee on the death of an immediate family member viz. spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandparent-in-law, brother and sister.

  9. Compassionate leave is a type of absence granted by an employer when an employee goes through a distressing situation in their personal or family life. These circumstances may include personal health issues, emotional recovery, or challenges in the employees family life.

  10. Created Date 9/10/2021 3:31:49 PM

  11. Leave, other than sick leave and maternity leave, is granted subject to the exigencies of the service. Staff are encouraged to take their leave provided that the operational needs of the public service are met. Sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, study leave and unpaid leave are granted on a need basis.

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