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  1. Credit card. Most major credit cards such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, and JCB are accepted at major stores and facilities. When checking in to a hotel, they also serve as identification in lieu of a cash deposit.

    • Paying with The Yen
    • Exchanging Money
    • Withdrawing Money

    As you probably know, Japan's currency is the yen. Here's some useful info for getting and using yen during your time in Tokyo! The yen comes in the following denominations: Coin: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 Paper: 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 (You can get a look at the currency on the Bank of Japan's official website.) Exchange rates are always in flux,...

    Tokyo is still a relatively cash-based city. Plenty of places accept credit cards, but do not expect that everyone will. It's not uncommon for Tokyoites to carry 30,000 to 50,000 yen in their wallets on a day-to-day basis, and before you leave for Japan, it would be a good idea to get around that much yen from your local bank, or more if you're tra...

    If you want to withdraw money from your own account in yen, many international banks have at least one Tokyo branch, so check beforehand if yours does. Most major Japanese banks now accept international cards at their ATMs, as do the Japan Post Bank ATMs found in post offices. Some banks with multiple international ATMs are: 1. Japan Post Bank 2. M...

  2. 2 天前 · 透過敞篷巴士之旅發現東京新魅力. 反映時下潮流與促進文化交流的生活據點ーー東京「高架橋下設施」三選. 「HARAKADO」將於2024年4月17日開幕. 傳統與創意並存,四季暖心的日本國民料理ーー東京可品嘗「味噌湯」的新店舖. 懸疑、恐怖、動作等完全沉浸式體驗 ...

  3. Welcome Suica是專為短期造訪日本的外國旅客所設計之IC卡,有效期限為28天,購票時不須支付押金。 此卡與一般Suica相同,除了能搭乘日本全國通用地區的電車與巴士外,也可在加盟店、計程車、觀光設施等處使用。 Welcome Suica的售價有1,000日圓、2,000日圓、3,000日圓、4,000日圓、5,000日圓、10,000日圓等不同金額。 ※由於世界性半導體短缺,目前Welcome Suica僅在羽田機場第3航廈站販售。 詳情請確認 Welcome Suica的官方網站 。 PASMO主要用於搭乘電車、巴士或在加盟店購物,也可替代Suica等其他交通IC卡,享受其他交通IC卡發行或經營公司提供的服務。

  4. 在「豐洲 千客萬來」體驗江戶時代的美食、購物、悠閒. 日本文化的衣食住娛樂提案 ── 東京最新「全球旗艦店」三選. 澀谷站、新宿站周邊誕生東京新地標. 整年都吃得到的東京超進化系蒙布朗甜點. 「HARAKADO」將於2024年4月17日開幕. 懸疑、恐怖、動作等完全 ...

  5. 2023年9月27日 · From Narita Airport: about 60 minutes to Tokyo City Air Terminal. About 90 minutes to Haneda Airport. Note: For more details, check the Limousine Bus timetables. AIRPORT BUS "TYO-NRT". From Narita Airport: around 65-80 minutes to Tokyo Station, and 77-92 minutes to Ginza Station, for only 1,300 yen per ticket.

  6. 交通方式 從東京Metro地鐵銀座線、丸之內線、日比谷線「銀座」站、東京Metro地鐵有樂町線「銀座一丁目」站或東京Metro地鐵日比谷線及都營淺草線的「東銀座」站皆可輕鬆前往此地區。從JR「有樂町」站步行約需5分鐘,從「東京」站步行則約需15分鐘。

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