雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Dental Council of Hong Kong is established under the Dentists Registration Ordinance, Chapter 156, Laws of Hong Kong. It provides for the registration and regulation of the dental profession in order to protect patients, foster ethical conduct, and develop and upkeep the ethical standard of the profession.

  2. 香港牙醫管理委員會是根據 香港法例第156章《牙醫註冊條例》 成立,就牙醫專業進行註冊及規管,從而保障病人,促進專業道德操守,以及提升和維持業界的道德標準。 委員會負責牙醫註冊事宜,舉辦許可試,以及維持牙醫業的道德、標準及紀律。 《牙醫註冊條例》的附屬法例《牙科輔助人員(牙齒衞生員)規例》授權委員會為牙齒衞生員進行相關的登記及規管,並存備名冊。 由2000年4月7日起,申報根據香港法例第156章《牙醫註冊條例》第12 (3)條經營牙醫業業務的人士(包括公司董事、經理,或與公司業務有關而施行牙科手術的人)資料的表格,和根據《牙科輔助人員(牙齒衞生員)規例》第4條申請登記成為牙齒衞生員的表格,可於以下網址瀏覽或下載:- http://www.dh.gov.hk/english/useful/

  3. Licensing Examination of the Dental Council of Hong Kong. 香港牙醫管理委員會的許可試. Part I - Written Test of the Licensing Examination (“ LE ”) 2024 (First Sitting) of the Dental Council of Hong Kong is tentatively scheduled to be held on 21 May 2024 while Part II - Practical Test and Part III - Clinical Examination are ...

  4. Hong Kong Dental Association’s Recommended Precaution under Emergency Response Level Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) for Dentists and Clinic Staffs Update on Novel Coronavirus Infection by Department of Health Press Release

  5. 香港牙醫管理委員會(英語: The Dental Council of Hong Kong )是根據香港法例第156章《牙醫註冊條例》成立的法定機構,就牙醫 專業進行註冊及規管。 委員會負責牙醫註冊事宜,舉辦許可試,以及維持牙醫業的道德、標準及紀律。

  6. The Dental Council of Hong Kong is established under the Dentists Registration Ordinance, Chapter 156, Laws of Hong Kong. The major roles of the Council are to regulate the dental profession in order to protect patients, foster ethical conduct, and develop and upkeep the ethical standard of the profession.

  1. dental council 相關

  2. Advanced tech transforms your smile. Cutting-edge tech for superior dental care

  3. Experienced team for comprehensive dental care. Receive care from our skilled and experienced team

  4. Customized care for all. Personalized care for your family's dental needs

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