雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Acceptance of Advantages (Chief Executive's Permission) Notice. Under section 3 of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance ("POBO"), the act of a civil servant accepting an advantage without permission in itself constitutes a criminal offence. The prosecution need not prove a corrupt motive.

  2. 2023年11月30日 · It is an offence under the Ordinance if a civil servant accepts an advantage without permission; if he solicits or accepts an advantage with abuse of office; or if he maintains a standard of living beyond his means. Guidelines have been put in place to govern acceptance of advantages and entertainment by civil servants.

  3. e Regulatory Regime on Acceptance of Advantages and Entertainment by Civil ServantsI. IntroductionThe Administration adopts a multi-pronged approach in th. management of conduct of civil servants1 in respect of acceptance of advantages and entertainment. On the legal front, the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) (“POBO .

  4. 政府今日(七月十六日)宣布,行政長官已委任歐陽呂妙群,由二 一二年七月十七日至二 一四年七月十六日出任離職公務員就業申請諮詢委員會的委員,任期兩年。

  5. www.csb.gov.hk › tc_chi › publications_statwww.csb.gov.hk


  6. 2022年高級私人秘書晉升私人助理的遴選結果已於2022年8月公布,有1名高級私人秘書晉升為私人助理,生效日期為2022年4月29日。. 謹此恭賀以下1名晉升為私人助理的同事:. 姓名. 黃 蕾女士. 此外,3名高級私人秘書在2022年的私人助理晉升遴選中獲推薦署任私人 ...

  7. On 11 December 2023, the GGO held a meeting with the new ExCom members of GEGA to exchange views on issues concerning the EO Grade. Miss Ruby Luk, Chairperson of GEGA; Mr Hermes Chan, DGG; members of the GEGA ExCom; and representatives of the GGO at the meeting.

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