雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 套用公式計算其實不難,真正的精隨在於如何判讀與解讀這些數字背後所呈現的意義. 就像解讀達文西密碼一般..待續... (1)財務結構Financial structure: 負債占資產比率=負債總額/資產總額。 Debt of long fund to bank property and equipment=total liabilities/total assets. 長期資金佔固定資產比率= (股東權益淨額+長期負債)/固定資產淨額。 Ratio of liabilities to assets= (net shareholder's equity+long-term liabilities)/net fixed assets. (2)償債能力Solvency.

  2. 低買高賣 低於現在成交價買;高於現在成交價賣. 若使用ROD掛價則會排隊等成交. Better價則相反高於現在成交價買;低於現在成交價賣. 即使用ROD掛價也會馬上成交 (除非市場上沒有交易量) 動態退單正名:台灣期交所動態價格穩定措施. 這樣的機制是什麼時候開的?:民國107年11月19日起. 什麼樣的商品會有退單機制? (適用商品更新至2020/08/05台灣期交所官網) 適用動態價格穩定措施商品如下~ 什麼是動態價格穩定措施? *為防範錯誤下單及胖手指導致價格瞬間大幅異常等事件, 建置動態價格穩定措施,可減緩價格異常波動與保護交易人! 新進買進委託之可能成交價>即時價格區間上限→退單. 新進賣出委託之可能成交價<即時價格區間下限→退單.

  3. 資料庫多半有系統資料表或檢視可查到Table、Column、Index等資訊,過去只研究過SQL Server,這回把Oracle的Schema資訊查詢語法也整理起來,寫成筆記備忘: 列出特定Schema下所有資料表及欄位型別、長度、精準位數、NULLABLE、預設值

  4. Please show your answer by determining (pi,gi)and (Pi,Gi)step by step (8%) 6. (12%)Multiplier/Divisor. (1)Please describe which multiplier in the following two datapath (左vs右)is better and why.Then use the better multiplier to calculate 4x5 (4 bits for each number and 8 bits for the result)step by step (6%)

  5. 在火災保險中,重置成本附加條款(Replacement Cost Clause)的目的,是將火災保險以「實際現金價值」(Actual cash value)之價值計算基礎,改為以重置成本計算;此對保險金額、理賠金額及標的物價值的認定,變化很大,直接影響被保險人的權益。

  6. Each day, differing life forms occupying horizontally or vertically adjacent grid locations wage war. In each war, Rocks always defeat Scissors, Scissors always defeat Papers, and Papers always defeat Rocks. At the end of the day, the victor expands its territory to include the loser's grid position. The loser vacates the position.

  7. A single test case consist of 2 lines. The first line specifies 1<=n<=1000 the number of vessels in the conveyor belt and then 'm' which specifies the number of containers to which, you have to transfer the milk. (1 <= m <= 1000000) .The next line contains, the capacity 1<=c<=1000000 of each vessel in order which they appear in the conveyor belt.

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