雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1.Different types of business organisations. 2.Accounting concepts and conceptual framework. 3.The financial accounting and management accounting functions. 4.How financial statements contribute towards meeting the needs of different stakeholders and users. 5.Introduction to ethical behavior in accounting practices. 6.Account for inventory (IAS 2)

  2. Book-keeping Level 1. This course is designed to prepare students for the LCCI Level 1 Certificate in Bookkeeping examination. Cantonese will be used as the medium of instruction provided with English learning materials specially written for the exam.

    • 9
    • $490 - $1,390
  3. MYOB為全球最受歡迎的中小企會計及管理系統之一,客戶遍及香港、澳洲、新西蘭、新加坡、馬來西亞及其餘亞洲區,全亞太區擁有超過一百萬客戶及超過一萬會計專業公司使用。 MYOB會計軟件深受香港學術界認同,獲認可為HKIAAT (香港財務會計協會)及LCCI電腦會計考試指定軟件,透過這些相關課程及考試,讓僱主在尋找合適的僱員時有更大的選擇。 本課程除了教授一般會計基本流程外,並會同時教授如何充份及有效率地運用MYOB。 而課程亦涵蓋Excel之會計功能應用,使學員更能全面掌握及提升工作技能! Table of Contents. 1. Create a company file using MYOB accounting system. 2.

  4. Advanced Excel Applications. $ 1,000.00. Course content:. 1. Formulas and Functions. 2. Conditional formatting. 3. Sorting data.

  5. ESG Investing: Balancing financial returns with ESG impact. 講座內容. – History of ESG Investing. -Various ways to incorporate ESG factors investment analysis. -potential benefits and drawbacks of ESG investing. -Challenges of measuring and reporting ESG factors. -Role of government. regulation in promoting ESG investing.

  6. 1. Create a company file using MYOB accounting system. 2. Understand types of account and set up accounts list. 3. Set up customers and suppliers cards. 4. Set up budgets. 5. Set up VAT scheme. 6. Set up initial opening balances for accounts, suppliers and customers. 7. Process purchases and returns transactions. 8.

  7. Seminar Information. – History of ESG Investing. -Various ways to incorporate ESG factors investment analysis. -potential benefits and drawbacks of ESG investing. -Challenges of measuring and reporting ESG factors. -Role of government. regulation in promoting ESG investing. -Insights into growing important of ESG factor in investment decisions.