雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港年金計劃計算機. 重要資訊. 此計算機並不構成香港年金公司要約或邀請閣下申請、同意申請或購買任何香港年金計劃下的保單; 此計算機並非銷售香港年金計劃的一部分,亦不構成香港年金公司招攬或銷售香港年金計劃或購買任何香港年金計劃下的保單; 此計算機提供之資料僅供參考而香港年金公司在此不受法律約束。 香港年金公司並不會為該等資料的準確性,完整性和/或針對某特定用途的適用性作出任何保證及/或陳述。 任何香港年金計劃申請需以香港年金公司的最終批核為準; 在任何情況下,香港年金公司不是亦不會在香港特別行政區境外推銷或銷售香港年金計劃。 申請人年齡. 性別. 男. 女. 整付保費金額. 每名客戶均可獲享「 終身加碼月月享 」推廣優惠,保費上限為30萬港元。 如你已獲享此優惠,請 剔除 此選項.

  2. Input basic data to calculate your guaranteed monthly annuity payment. Annuity rate is guaranteed to be at least 5.6%, the actual rate depends on age and gender. Try out now!

  3. HKMC Annuity Plan (thePlan”) * is underwritten by HKMC Annuity Limited and is designed to provide you, as the annuitant, with a steady stream of GUARANTEED monthly annuity payments after paying a single premium. With this special feature, you can better plan your retirement life by turning your lump sum cash into a stable lifelong income stream.

  4. 2018年7月5日 · The public can also obtain an illustration summary of the annuity benefits for reference through the HKMC Annuity Plan Online Calculator from next Monday onwards. For public enquiries, please call 2512 5000.

  5. 2018年7月24日 · HKMC Annuity Plan, the first public annuity scheme of Hong Kong, was launched in July 2018 to offer Hong Kong Permanent Residents aged 60 years or above with another money management option. This life annuity scheme offers monthly lifelong streams of income to the annuitant.

  6. The Inland Revenue and MPF Schemes Legislation (Tax Deductions for Annuity Premiums and MPF Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Ordinance 2019 was enacted on 29 March 2019. The amendment ordinance provides tax deductions for qualifying annuity premiums and tax deductible MPF voluntary contributions (TVC) under salaries tax and personal assessment.

  7. Public vs. private annuity plans. Annuity. Retirement planning. Insurance. Launched in July 2018, the “HKMC Annuity Plan” is the first public annuity spearheaded by the HKSAR government to offer senior citizens aged 60 or above with another financial management option.