雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2019年4月8日 · Kamakura (鎌倉) is a small city located in the southern part of Kanagawa Prefecture, to the south of both Tokyo and Yokohama. It's quite small when compared to either of its two major metropolitan neighbors, with a population of approximately 172,000, there was a time when Kamakura was considered the political center of the nation.

  2. 2016年10月7日 · Yet the Buddha perseveres as a popular destination for anyone spending a day walking around Kamakura. This statue isn't as large as the great Buddha in Nara, but it makes an impression at a little over 11 meters (36 ft)—over 13 meters (42.6 ft) including the base.

  3. 你是在深夜苦思冥想,想要辦法解決難題的思考者嗎? 在此,請暫時停下腳步,放下手邊的工作,我們把詮釋光明與黑暗交錯動人的延時攝影視頻短片從日本,帶到了你的眼前。 請係好安全帶,這次旅行將帶你環遊日本全境,我們這就起航出發。 北海道. https://vimeo.com/159779368. 北海道在日本的最北部,並且是最城市化的地區之一,請靜靜享受天狗山和函館山的燈光夜景。 福島. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttj3Q5LQ6YQ. 儘管一開始短暫的展示了白天的景色,但千萬不要以為福島的夜晚不夠美。 這則視頻完美詮釋了福島周邊的天然夜景。 長野. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cimyKo1dD9Y.

  4. 2016年3月16日 · From the streets of Tokyo to the world, we keep updating various information for you! 'Dokusha moderu,' which literally means 'reader model,' refers to an amateur fashion model who serves as a representative of the readers of a particular fashion magazine.

  5. 2012年9月7日 · When trying to learn Japanese, kanji is always a terrible challenge! To help everyone looking to start learning Japanese—as well as those planning to pass the JLPT N5 test—the Nihon Ichiban team has created an ebook that you can view and download totally

  6. 2017年3月8日 · COSPLAY!. 一次的体验,一生的回忆!. 除了名胜古迹、美食、自然美景那些永远不会变的主题之外,想不想晒一下Cos得比较有冲击力的照片呢?. 我们极力推荐到Four-M去体验一下日本流行文化的结晶:COSPLAY!. 以往的COSPLAY花费巨大,需要几万日元,还要 ...

  7. 位於JR惠比壽站和目黑站之間的「美國橋(又稱惠比壽南橋)」位在東京都寫真美術館南邊,可說是近年來社群網站拍照打卡熱點,架設於1926年,此橋是將1904年,於美國聖路易舉辦之「聖路易萬國博覽會」中展示的鐵橋移架於現地因而得名,當時因爲日本國內

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