雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月13日 · 「teamLab:光漣」本月25日至6月2日開於予市民欣賞,其間添馬公園草地部分每日下午6時30分至晚上11時亮燈。觀眾必須預先透過Klook系統預約入場參觀日期和時間。非草地範圍則無須預約。

  2. 2024年5月6日 · 除部分展覽延長展期,為方便更多市民參觀,展覽部分位置即添馬公園草地部分,本月8日起取消原先須於Klook專頁預約的登記入場安排,參觀人士將可在開放時間內直接前往參觀,無須預先登記。

  3. 2024年3月24日 · Speaking at the project’s opening ceremony today, Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki noted that “Art@Harbour” was first launched in 2022 as an innovative integration of art, science and technology. The project was so well received in Hong Kong and all over the world that it was brought back this year with more partners and international artists involved.

  4. 2019年9月8日 · Intangible Cultural Heritage Office Curator Brian Lam says paper crafting is of high cultural value and in urgent need of preservation. Download Video | Transcript. To make an authentic traditional lantern, simple materials such as bamboo strips, iron wires, tissue paper, colourful fabrics and adhesive paste are used.

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  5. 2022年6月7日 · 網上購票系統逢星期二上午開放未來四星期的入場名額,市民下周二起可購買門票。其他售票途徑包括Klook香港中國旅行社、飛豬旅行的網上平台。

  6. 2024年2月9日 · As the Year of the Dragon draws near, Hong Kong is bustling with activity as citizens prepare to celebrate the Spring Festival with family and friends.

  7. 2024年4月27日 · The Government today announced a series of port and transportation arrangements with the aim of creating a good travel experience for visitors during the Mainland’s Labour Day Golden Week holiday.