雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. Information leakage happens whenever a system that is designed to be closed to an eavesdropper reveals some information to unauthorized parties nonetheless. In other words: Information leakage occurs when secret information correlates with, or can be correlated with, observable information.

  3. 2023年8月16日 · Information leakage is the sharing of sensitive information with unauthorized parties. The leakage can be either accidental, such as an employee sharing confidential information with an external party via email, or malicious, such as the exfiltration of data through phishing scams.

  4. 2024年3月26日 · In finance, information leakage refers to the unauthorized disclosure or dissemination of sensitive financial information to parties outside an organization, which can result in market manipulation and financial losses. It can happen through various means, such as media leaks, insider trading, or unintentional disclosure.

    • Information Leakage Is A Common Problem
    • What Is Information Leakage?
    • How to Prevent Information Leakage in Your Applications
    • Get Rid of Information Leakage and Defend Your Apps Against Other Risks

    A Veracode State of Software Security reportshows that 83% of the 85,000 applications they tested had at least one security flaw, and 20% of all apps had at least one high severity flaw. The most common types of flaws in the report are: 1. Information leakage (64%) 2. Cryptographic issues (62%) 3. CRLF injection (61%) 4. Code quality (56%) 5. Insuf...

    When information leakage is detected in an application — regardless of whether it is a web or mobile app — it means that the application revealed sensitive information that it shouldn’t have. That sensitive information can be anything from a simple developer comment, all the way to a username/password visible in plain text. So not all information l...

    Information leakage is quite broad when it comes to labeling the impact that it can have on our applications, its users, and our organization. The reason for this is because it can be anything from a trivial release of information that won’t lead to anything serious all, to providing an attacker with just the right information for them to completel...

    As you venture on your journey to rid your application of information leakage, don’t stop there! Learn to understand, recognize, and defend against OWASP’s top 10 web or mobile application security risks by taking our free Introduction to Application Security(AppSec) course. If you prefer reading over watching videos, we also have a free ebook vers...

  5. 香港的個人資料外洩趨勢. 香港在1995年制定了《私隱條例》並於1996年成立個人資料私隱專員公署 ("公署"),屬鄰近地區內最早實施個人資料保障機制的城市之一。 多年來,公眾關注私隱保障大多聚焦於收集及使用個人資料,例如持有資料的機構未經授權銷售及使用個人資料。 近年,香港的網絡攻擊事件與日俱增,加上連串矚目的個人資料外洩事故, 3. 公眾變得越來越關注資料保安, 4. 而公署在自願性通報機制下接獲的個人資料外洩事故通報亦有所增加,某程度上反映了上述情況。 在2012-2013年度,公署接獲約61宗個人資料外洩事故通報,但有關數字在6年間幾乎增加1倍,至2017-2018年度達116宗。 從事故中受影響的人數可見, 不但事故宗數上升,資料外洩嚴重程度亦見增加 。

  6. www.infosec.gov.hk › en › knowledge-centreData Breach - InfoSec

    Data breach is a security incident in which data are accessed, altered, erased, stolen or leaked from a system without the consent of the system’s owner.

  7. www.onc.hk › zh_HK › publicationONC Lawyers

    2023年8月31日 · 資料外洩應變計劃. 私隱公署建議機構應制定全面的資料外洩應變計劃以確保迅速應對及有效處理資料外洩事故私隱公署建議應變計劃應涵蓋但不限於以下方面: 1. 說明甚麼情況構成資料外洩包括觸發實施計劃的例子及準則。 2. 內部事故通報程序:應聯絡誰人及向誰上報事故,並制定標準表格,以便報告所需資料。 3. 清楚界定資料外洩應變專責小組成員的角色和責任:誰人負責甚麼工作,例如資訊科技部門負責識別潛在外洩資料的位置並採取補救措施;客戶服務部門可處理受影響人士的事宜,並向客戶及 利益相關者提供最新資料。 4. 聯絡名單:載有所有資料外洩應變小組成員的聯絡資料,以便聯絡及溝通。 5. 風險評估工作流程,以評估資料外洩對受影響資料當事人可能造成的損害及嚴重性。 6.