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  1. 鑽石批發商等比銀行、米鋪還要多,而售賣的是價錢高昂的奢侈品──鑽石首飾,但一樣吸引大眾光顧。. 要講講GIA鑽石為何這麼昂貴,或先要講解鑽石是由哪些物質組成。. 鑽石屬稀有的天然礦物,它由數以億計的碳原子組成,大部分鑽石是因地質下高溫及高壓 ...

  2. We offer a certificate of diamond quality and authenticity during your purchase, which you can keep with you always. Our wide range of diamond jewelry products are ideal for a variety of occasions. Browse our extensive selection to find the GIA diamond HK jewelry of your dreams at reasonable prices.

  3. 鑽石耳環選擇得宜 盡展時尚魅力. 要數能夠令一眾女士變得容光煥發、為其型格錦上添花的配飾,一對漂亮的鑽石耳環必不可缺。. 耳環作為經典的首飾,其相關設計亦千變萬化,既有可修飾臉頰線條的吊墜式耳環,亦有簡潔的耳釘款式。. 狄菲會因應各位女士 ...

  4. 品牌的由來. 我們希望客人可以買到最頂級、質素最好的鑽石。. D係代表鑽石的成色,而鑽石的成色等級係由D到Z。. 成色等級越高,鑽石越為淨白,因此我哋用D字作為我哋品牌第一個英文字母。. IF係代表鑽石的淨度,鑽石的淨度等級分為IF/FL、 VVS1/VV2、VS1/VS2 ...

  5. DIAMOND RINGS. Diamond rings are highly sought after around the different cultures and countries of the world. These rare gems are the real deal when it comes to perfect cut and symmetry. Their sparkle and dazzling clarity along with the exquisite shape and colour ooze luxury and sophistication.

  6. ENGAGEMENT RING. They say all a girl needs is love and some diamonds! Since you’ve made the most important decision of all (choosing the ‘she’), what’s next now is choosing the perfect engagement ring to express your love. You want to go for a diamond ring because it’s perhaps the truest expression of love and romance.

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