雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find the best skin care products for you at Mario Badescu. Discover award-winning, targeted solutions and personalized skin care that's simple and effective.

  2. Mario Badescu: Treat & Heal Blemish-Prone Skin Both a chemist and a cosmetologist, Mario Badescu understands skin. His namesake skincare line has been a touchpoint for simple, gentle, and effective skincare since its inception in 1967 out of his Manhattan apartment.

  3. Mario Badescu: Treat & Heal Blemish-Prone Skin Both a chemist and a cosmetologist, Mario Badescu understands skin. His namesake skincare line has been a touchpoint for simple, gentle, and effective skincare since its inception in 1967 out of his Manhattan apartment.

  4. 香港莎莎網店提供多種熱賣護膚、美妝、香水、修身美肌、個人護理、保健及各種生活百貨供您選購。 香港地區滿$100即享免費門店自取; 滿$300即享免費送貨上門。 消費送積分 購滿HK$600可成為莎莎VIP,享全年95折!

  5. Mario Badescu呢個牌子原來都幾出名😳出左好多款產品都係專門針對唔同種類的瘡🙌🏻見夏天到了又到了易出痘既季節🤦🏻‍♀️入定幾款番黎俾大家以備不時之需. Drying lotion其實就係一支暗瘡膏🙌🏻去痘神器💕呢類型嘅去痘產品其實係市面上都見唔少😳分開兩層上面嗰層係水狀🙈下面果層就係粉狀 記得用之前千其千其千其 唔好搖‼️唔好搖勻‼️係要等佢分成兩層之後拎棉花棒插落最底部沾到嗰啲粉狀,再拎出嚟查喺暗瘡位置上🤣. 如果你係久不久就冒1-2粒暗瘡或者女仔每個月嚟M嘅時候總會標一兩粒暗藏嘅話🙊就好適合用呢一款Drying lotion🙌🏻佢係專門對付已經見到有膿頭白頭嘅暗瘡或者粉刺🙊每晚臨瞓前點一點🥰第二朝就會見到佢退左七八成🙌🏻.

  6. Mario Badescu. 美國皇牌藥妝品牌暗瘡治理專家,所有產品都以天然成分製造,價格親民,皇牌祛痘系列祛痘力強,有效消炎殺菌去印,睡前點上痘痘翌日立即消失,是每個紐約女生都必備的急救護膚品。 顯示第 1 至 24 項結果,共 36 項. 熱賣產品. -28% 皇牌產品. 缺貨中. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion. 瞬間淨痘精華(溫和) $ 205.00 $ 148.00. -21% 皇牌產品. 缺貨中. Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion. 瞬間淨痘精華(加強) $ 200.00 $ 159.00. -13% Special Price. 缺貨中.

  7. 於友和選購Mario Badescu產品查看價格優惠及規格Mario Badescu香港代理零售經銷 - 唇膏及唇妝、洗髮水及護髮素、中性香水及其他。

  8. 「1967年,Mario Badescu在僅有2個小房間的曼哈頓東區公寓裡,創辦了同名護膚品牌。 」Mario Badescu品牌發言人這樣分享。 「Badescu先生是位化妝品專家,同時對於美學也術有專攻,他的事業在美容院發跡,以美容療程和客製化產品聞名,漸漸地培養起一群死忠顧客 ...

  9. Find the best skin care products for you at Mario Badescu. Discover award-winning, targeted solutions and personalized skin care that's simple and effective.

  10. Discover Mario Badescu's bestselling skin care products targeting every skin concern. Build your skincare routine from our customers' skincare favorites.

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