雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月22日 · 一定要先看過這篇趨勢介紹!. 才剛來到2024雖然還是冬天,但時尚界的腳步可是已經預先走到春夏囉!. 不時尚名人Hailey Bieber、Kendall Jenner也紛紛 ...

    • Mia Shen
    • yuyen.shen@hearst.com.tw
  2. 2024年5月4日 · 2024年值得期待的美劇不少,而且每一部都可以說是各個平臺的王牌,其中有令人興奮的續季影集,也有涵蓋各種不同類型和故事的新劇,以下30部更 ...

  3. 2024年3月27日 · 電影戲劇. 韓國恐怖片《屍咒》6看點!. 絕對不能跳的禁忌舞蹈+神秘儀式,召喚嗜血活屍衝擊畫面曝光!. 有望成為下一部《破墓》. 看完《屍咒 ...

    • Lily Chang
  4. 風靡日本的超慢跑5個秘訣,在家就能燃脂大爆汗. 什麼是「超慢跑」?. 風靡日本的「超慢跑」5個秘訣公開,每天30分鐘在家就能輕鬆燃脂大爆汗 ...

    • What Is Microblading?
    • Is Microblading A Tattoo?
    • Who Is A Good Candidate For Microblading?
    • Is Microblading only Good For Thin Brows?
    • What Is The Downside of Microblading?
    • How Painful Is Eyebrow Microblading?
    • How Long Does Microblading Last?
    • How Much Does Microblading Cost?
    • Can Microblading Ruin Your eyebrows?
    • How Do I Prepare For A Microblading appointment?

    Microblading is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing. But unlike traditional tattoos, which use a tattoo gun,microblading uses a blade-shaped tool with a row of tiny, barely visible needles to create hair-like strokes along your brows while depositing pigment into your skin. The result? Realistic-looking brow hairs that don’t wash off for a ...

    Microblading is a type of tattoo, but it’s not permanent like a true tattoo. Not only do the two use different “inks”—traditional tattoos use concentrated tattoo ink, while cosmetic tattoos use smaller pigment particles—but they’re also applied differently. With microblading, the pigment is applied superficially to your skin (so your body eventuall...

    A good candidate for microblading isn’t necessarily based on how little (or how much) brow hair you naturally have—it’s more based on your skin type. Is your skin super reactive and sensitive? Do you have keratosis pilaris on your forehead? Do you currently or consistently deal with breakouts or cystic acnearound your brows? Then you may not be a g...

    Microblading can be great for those with thin, sparse brows to get some definition and fullness, but Capparelli warns it might not look as natural as someone who does have hair behind the draw-on strokes. But if you’re worried about your microbladed brows looking too drawn-on, your brow artist can add shading behind the hair-like strokesso the empt...

    There are potential downsides to microblading, as there are with any cosmetic procedure. Capparelli says that thebiggest concern her clients have is how brow trends may shift in the future. Example: the thick, bold, Instagram brows of 2016 that were literally everywhere? Basically nonexistent a year later, which may not be ideal for someone who got...

    Microblading can be somewhat painful, but the level of pain you may feel will depend on your own natural pain tolerance. The upside? Your brow artist will slather on a numbing gelbefore they begin, and may also add an extra layer of gel between each pass. But in general, Capparelli (and many others) likens the pain of microblading to a cat scratch,...

    Microblading can last anywhere from one to three years depending on your skin type(oilier skin types tend to fade the fastest), says Aava. In one year, you’ll likely notice some fading, but your microblading probably won’t totally be gone. By three years, though, you can expect your microblading to be nearly untraceable. However, consistent touch-u...

    How much microblading costs depends on a lot of factors, like where you live, the experience of your artist, etc., but expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,000 dollars (brb, starting a microblading savings fund). That said, brow productsaren’t cheap, and time is money, so it can be worth the cost for anyone not feeling their natural brows.

    Generally speaking, no, microblading won’t ruin your eyebrows, as long as your artist uses proper techniques—i.e., not tattooing too deep into your skin and creating accidental scar tissue, which “can damage the hair follicle,” says Capparelli, and in rare cases, prevent new hair growth. Dr. Evans also notes that, although very uncommon, it’s also ...

    Before your microblading appointment,reach out to your studio and ask how to prepare ahead of time, as each artist can have different guidelines. Capparelli, for example, asks clients to not groom their brows for 6-8 weeks so she can do a full reshaping along with microblading. You should also stop using retinol, chemical exfoliants, and physical e...

  5. 2023年11月12日 · 睽違9年的經典動畫回歸啦!. 皮克斯最受歡迎的作品《腦筋急轉彎》出續集啦,《腦筋急轉彎2》將在明年夏天重返大銀幕!. 精采預告與海報大公開 ...

  6. 2023年10月24日 · 約會專家傳授「4個交友軟體破冰技巧」+3步驟開場白公式,從第一句話就穩穩抓住他的心. 與交友軟體上的可愛對象配對後卻遲遲不敢開口說話嗎 ...

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