雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港滙豐. Well+. 解鎖真正健康. 想解鎖真正的健康,就要「身.心.財」同時升級。 參加Well+健康奬賞計劃,您可提升三個健康要素,同時樂在其中! 只要在每個等級完成簡單任務,贏取全部三個徽章,可賺取高達$2,000「獎賞錢」及/或現金券 [@wellplusreward]。 您更可探索「Well+額外賞 」分頁,輕鬆發現更多精彩獎賞! 立即通過「香港滙豐流動理財」應用程式(HSBC HK App)免費參加。 主要特色. 益趣升級旅程. 展開益趣升級旅程,解放身、心、財潛力。 建立更健康生活習慣之餘,更可同時賺取「獎賞錢」及合作伙伴現金券。 額外賞. 參與「Well+ 額外賞」小挑戰,全方位提升健康,更賞您「獎賞錢」– 了解更多 。 會員尊賞.

  2. Mobile Cash Withdrawal lets you enter your cash withdrawal instructions in just a few steps on the HSBC HK Mobile Banking app. You can then scan a QR code generated on any local HSBC or Hang Seng ATM. You can also get cash from any non-HSBC Group ATM in Hong Kong and mainland China that supports UnionPay QR Code Withdrawal service.

  3. When it comes to looking after their protection and wealth growth needs, some people prefer acquiring a High Protection Investment Linked Assurance Scheme (“ILAS”) as a two-in-one solution, while others invest in a fund directly and complement it with a separate term life insurance policy.

  4. Click to login

  5. As we all know, a healthy diet and regular exercise are key ingredients of a healthy lifestyle, but illness is hard to predict. When a medical problem arises and requires substantial expenses, a suitable medical protection plan can make a big di˚erence in our ability to withstand the financial impact and even provide

  6. Health is Wealth 2 HSBC’s recent Quality of Life Report1 confirms what we’ve always sensed: physical and mental wellness, and financial fitness all contribute to our overall well-being. Changing life, evolving priorities The last few years have brought significant

  7. 2021年2月. 惠及您和家人的靈活保障. 隨着您步入不同的人生階段,追求不同的人生目標變得越來越重要。 因此,仔細規劃並確保您親人獲得財務保障至關重要。 「駿富保障萬用壽險計劃」如何運作? 「駿富保障萬用壽險計劃」(「本計劃」或「本保單」)提供周全的壽險解決方案,同時讓您可以靈活理財,應對人生的不同需要。 本計劃是一份具備儲蓄成分的長期萬用人壽保險計劃,在整個保單期內為受保人提供人壽保障,並以非保證每日利息及長期客戶獎賞的形式,提供潛在的儲蓄回報。 為迎合您生活上種種需要,本計劃亦提供靈活的解決方案,讓您可以隨時因應不同的需要 而提取1 保單內的部分現金、調整投保額1或保費供款期,助您應對人生突如其來的轉變。 本計劃並非等同於或類似任何類型的銀行存款。 本計劃如何運作 ? 保單保費費用.

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