雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年9月7日 · 關西國際機場是日本第一座完全由填海造陸建成人工島的海上機場,也是世界上首個100%人工島的海上機場,位於大阪府,更是日本第一座可24小時運營的機場。1963年,因應伊丹機場(大阪國際機場)的交通擁堵問題,並解決城市土地資源緊缺,日本政府決定填海造地興建機場,於1987年動工,並於 ...

  2. 2020年3月11日 · Coastal Culture & Living History. A secluded paradise of maritime folklore, history, and adventure awaits just three hours by train from Tokyo Station (or just an hour and a half from Nagoya Station): Ise-Shima National Park. Spanning the cities of Ise, Toba, Shima and Minami-Ise on the Shima Peninsula, as well as four major outlying islands of ...

  3. 2020年3月11日 · The Takara House on the little island of Geruma used to be the home of one such prosperous seafarer, Peechin Nakandakari, and reflects the traditional way of life in the islands. It is thought to have been built in the 19th century, and is designated an Important Cultural Property. Surrounded by high coral and Ryukyu limestone walls, capped ...

  4. 2017年10月6日 · The outdoor seaside bath blends with the coastline, its curved lines beautiful in their own right. Before you lies a panorama starring the Sea of Japan as an actor who brings a feeling of limitless freedom. The sky, from when the sun rises until it sets, keeps making awesome changes. - www.furofushi.com.

  5. 2018年7月27日 · en.wikipedia.org. Located at about 41-45 degrees north in latitude, Hokkaido is the northernmost major island of Japan. Its beautiful nature, unique culture and amazing local food attract tourists from all over the world. In March 2016, the travel time from Tokyo was shortened tremendously thanks to the connection of the Hokkaido Shinkansen ...

  6. 漫步在今日的鞆之浦,四處可見寫著「保命酒」三字的看板。所謂的保命酒,是350年前,結合鞆之浦當地產酒,以及漢方醫藥知識,而誕生的藥用酒。製酒的主要材料為焼酎、米、米麴,以及添加13種中藥材,正式名為「十六味地黃保命酒」。

  7. 2016年8月23日 · 对东京人来说,东京湾附近一直都是物产富饶的栖居地。 人们沿湾戏水钓鱼,充分融合在大自然之中,可以说,东京湾与东京人的日常生活联系得十分紧密。 然而,从昭和30年开始,随着日本经济高度发展,大规模的填海造地工事持续进行,工厂林立,港口持续扩张,曾经的栖居地逐渐缩小, 消失 ...