雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MoneySmart 夥拍各大銀行、財務公司及保險公司等金融機構,提供專業產品分析,並為用戶提供獨家迎新優惠。想慳又想賺?馬上到 MoneySmart 網站開始比較金融產品!

  2. 不同品牌任你揀!. 💰】即日起至7月31日,全新渣打信用卡客戶成功申請Smart 卡可獲DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style 半自動咖啡機 (價值:HK$2,168) 或 HK$800 電子現金券,品牌包括 Apple Store、HKTVmall、7-11、WeChat Pay HK、Deliveroo、Pacific Coffee 及 Zalora 或 HK$800 百佳超市現金券 ...

  3. 開銀行戶口邊間好?馬上比較銀行開戶優惠,了解最新定存利率及最低存款額,盡享開戶回贈及綜合戶口優惠!

  4. 買股票邊間好?MoneySmart比較各大證券行的股票戶口,包括買賣股票手續費、平台費、轉倉費等,助你節省投資成本!立即睇最新證券行開戶優惠,無論你想投資港股、美股或A股都搵到適合你的投資戶口!

  5. 渣打Smart卡. 【MoneySmart送你電子現金券!. 不同品牌任你揀!. 💰】即日起至7月31日,全新渣打信用卡客戶成功申請Smart 卡可獲DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style 半自動咖啡機 (價值:HK$2,168) 或 HK$800 電子現金券,品牌包括 Apple Store、HKTVmall、7-11、WeChat Pay HK、Deliveroo、Pacific ...

  6. MoneySmart HK is part of MoneySmart Group, which was founded in Singapore in 2019. We are a personal finance portal helping consumers compare credit cards, loans, insurance, online brokerages and mortgages.

  7. Compare Hong Kong credit cards to earn most air miles, cashback and welcome offers, apply through MoneySmart to get extra rewards! Read More. Find out which credit cards suit your spending pattern the most to enjoy welcome offers, points, cash rebates, air miles, cash vouchers, gifts and many more in your daily spending.

  8. 【安信信貸 x MoneySmart】 由即日起至8月31日,經MoneySmart成功申請WeWa 銀聯鑽石卡,可享額外 HK$100現金回贈 + 迎新優惠: Delsey S 系列30吋前開蓋式可擴充行李箱 或 Panasonic nanoe® 護髮風筒(EH-NA9K) 或 HK$500現金回贈 或 高達HK$

  9. 燒烤絕對是港人一年四季熱門活動之選!今次 MoneySmart 整合了大埔燒烤場的資料,從週末價格、時限、食材和網民評價,逐一比較大尾篤麥師傅 (燒烤場)、巴希雅海灣重慶燒烤、汀角灣燒烤農莊、同信士多 BBQ 燒烤場和大美督嘉年華燒烤,合共5間燒烤場的

  10. MoneySmart provides a financial comparison and content platform for consumers to make informed product choices across a range of banking, insurance and investment products. We do the hard work of compiling the information and facts to make it easy for you to compare and choose what’s best for you.

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