雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 上星期是第65屆蒙特利爵士音樂節(Monterey Jazz Festival),除了2020年受疫情影響未能舉行之外,每年都吸引世界各地爵士樂迷帶着睡袋和帳篷來朝聖。

  2. 例如,Protestors smashed the windows on both sides of the station's exits.(示威者打碎了車站出口兩側的窗戶。)Smash還可以解「猛撞」,致造成破壞或傷害。例如,His boat was smashed against the rocks during the typhoon.(颱風期間,他的船撞到了

  3. 例句:He took an insane risk by steering the small boat close to the whale.(他冒着瘋狂的風險,將小船靠近鯨魚。 )We are afraid that he has gone mentally insane in the asylum.(我們恐怕他已經在避難所變得精神失常。