雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Paying taxes would become so much easier if there is an automatic calculator! Make good use of the government's salaries tax calculator to understand the tax rates and other information! This article provides a guide for you to use the Hong Kong tax calculator

  2. 邦民日本財務私人貸款計算機,以實際年利率計算每月利息還款額作為參考,更讓你自設貸款金額及還款年期,並以利息計算器估計私人貸款每月還款利息,立即了解更多。

  3. Promise provides you with a fast and convenient loan & interest calculator that makes interest estimate easier and simpler with the annual percentage rate. By simply putting in the loan amount and repayment period before loan applications, the estimated monthly repayment and interest amount can be told.

  4. 個人入息課稅免稅額計算. 個人免稅額計算其實與一般交稅計算大同小異,包括基本免稅額、已婚人士免稅額、子女免稅額、供養兄弟姊妹免稅額、供養父母 / 祖父母 / 外祖父母免稅額等。 不過上述提到以個人入息課稅作交稅計算方法,則有提供額外的免稅額計算,可扣減在有關課稅年度內的業務虧損,或物業租出的按揭貸款利息,不過需留意可扣除額不得超過該物業的應評稅淨值。 而以個人入息課稅作交稅計算方法,可以將其他收入抵銷其業務虧損,令交稅金額減少。 雖然免稅額計算相當複雜,但只要將免稅額計算得好,或會幫助您省下一筆! 而有關免稅額計算的詳細資料,可參考政府網頁。 另外政府亦設有有關個人入息課稅的交稅計算機,讓您可以輕鬆得出需繳交的稅額。 有關免稅額計算政府網頁:

  5. You can use Promise's Personal Loan & Interest Calculator to calculate the repayment amount and repayment period for reference before applying loans, in order to establish a repayment plan for yourself easily.

  6. Proof of income * (e.g. payslip, company letter, proof of contribution of MPF, etc.) * All documents must be issued within the last 3 months. Note: we may grant exemptions to applicants in individual cases.

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