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  1. 描述. SIZE GUIDE. (MEASURE AROUND THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE NECK) H-302S SMALL 32.0 ~ 35.0 cm (12 1/2 ~13 3/4 inches) H-302M MEDIUM 35.0 ~ 39.0 cm (13 3/4 ~15 3/8 inches) H-302L LARGE 39.0 ~ 43.0 cm (15 3/8 ~17 inches) Rigid Neck Collar, 硬頸托.

  2. 描述. 軟墊厚2.5cm,依下顎形狀設計,配戴舒適. 附有額外棉套. 魔術貼設計,配戴方便. 適應症:頸部扭傷、頸神經痛. 單一尺碼. 頸托高度 : 6.3cm. 頸圍: 30.4cm – 55.9cm. 美國品牌 - 軟墊厚2.5cm,依下顎形狀設計,配戴舒適;附有額外棉套;魔術貼設計,配戴方便。

  3. Medex N03a - Philadelphia Collar, neck, collar, neck support Free shipping on orders over HK$500 | Delivery within 7~14 days HKD$ HongKong

  4. Cervical collars, or neck braces, are key in managing and rehabilitating neck-related conditions. They support the head and spinal cord, offering protection and stabilization for those recovering from neck injuries, surgeries, or experiencing neck pain.

    • Overview
    • What are cervical collars used for?
    • Are there different types?
    • Are there side effects to wearing a cervical collar?
    • Tips for wearing a cervical collar
    • How to sleep with a cervical collar
    • How to bathe with a cervical collar
    • How to clean a cervical collar
    • How long do you need to wear a cervical collar?
    • The bottom line

    Cervical collars, also known as neck braces or C collars, are used to support your spinal cord and head. These collars are a common treatment option for neck injuries, neck surgeries, and some instances of neck pain.

    There are different types of cervical collars. Which one you need will depend on your type of neck injury or the underlying cause of your neck pain.

    The purpose of a cervical collar is to support your neck and spinal cord, and to limit the movement of your neck and head. They’re typically meant for short-term use while you recover from an injury, surgery, or pain.

    Some conditions that may require the use of a cervical collar include the following:

    •Whiplash and trauma. If you’ve been in a car accident or sustained some other kind of injury, like a fall, a cervical collar may protect your neck and prevent further injury.

    •Neck surgery. A cervical collar helps to prevent injury after surgery by limiting rotation, as well as side-to-side and back and forth movements.

    •Nerve compression. Cervical collars are occasionally used to reduce pressure on the nerves in the neck.

    •Cervical spondylosis. A cervical collar may cause temporary relief from pain caused by cervical spondylosis — an age-related condition that’s caused by wear and tear of cartilage and bones in the neck.

    Cervical collars come in soft and hard varieties. Soft collars are usually made from materials such as felt, foam, or rubber. They fit snugly around your neck and sit below your jaw. Some doctors may prescribe them for temporary relief from moderate neck pain.

    Soft collars are unlikely to help manage more serious neck injuries.

    One study looked at the use of soft cervical collars on 50 patients with whiplash. They found that the soft collar reduced movement by an average of just over 17 percent. The researchers concluded that this wasn’t enough to provide adequate immobilization to have clinical benefits.

    Hard collars are usually made from plexiglass or plastic. They restrict head rotation and side-to-side movement more than softer collars. They often have a chin support to allow the muscles in your neck to relax.

    Although cervical collars can help support and protect your neck in the short-term, research has shown that long-term use of a cervical collar may lead to weakening and stiffening of your neck muscles.

    In cases of acute injury, this is largely unavoidable. However, if you’re dealing with moderate neck pain, you may want to minimize the amount of time you wear a collar or ask your doctor about alternative treatments.

    In recent years, many medical professionals have discouraged the use of cervical collars for people dealing with a traumatic injury. This change of opinion is largely due to safety concerns and a lack of research showing that the use of cervical collars leads to beneficial health outcomes.

    Some safety concerns with traumatic injury include potential breathing obstruction, increased brain pressure, and increased jugular blood pressure.

    If you need to wear a cervical collar, your healthcare provider will likely give you specific instructions about what you should and shouldn’t do while wearing it.

    In general, when wearing a cervical collar, it’s best to:

    •Move instead of resting or sitting too much. Gentle movement, like walking, can help prevent your neck muscles from stiffening up. Stiff muscles may prolong your recovery.

    •Focus on good posture. Try not to slouch or hunch over. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, head straight with your ears positioned over your shoulders.

    •Avoid sitting in soft, low chairs. This can affect your posture and put extra pressure on your neck.

    •Avoid lifting or carrying anything heavy. Also avoid strenuous activity, like running, or other high-impact movement.

    Here are a few tips for sleeping with a cervical collar:

    •Make sure your mattress offers good support. A mattress that’s too soft may not give your neck the support you need.

    •Try to keep your neck in a neutral position, not bent forward, backward, or to the side.

    •Don’t sleep in a twisted position. Try to keep your neck aligned with your body.

    •Try sleeping on your back with a thin pillow. Using extra pillows can put extra pressure on your neck.

    •To get out of bed, first roll gently onto your side. Then, swing your legs over the side of the bed and push up with your arms.

    It’s usually easier to take a bath rather than a shower when wearing a cervical collar.

    You can bathe as you normally would, but it’s important to keep the cervical collar dry and out of the water. Placing plastic wrap around the collar may help to keep it dry.

    It’s important to wash your collar daily to prevent bacteria growth. Not cleaning your collar frequently can lead to skin irritation if bacteria is allowed to grow.

    You can wash most soft collars in a sink with warm water and gentle soap, and then lay the collar out to dry. Don’t use harsh soaps, detergents, or bleach. These may cause a skin reaction.

    You can clean hard collars by replacing dirty pads and rinsing the front and back panels.

    When you put your cervical collar back on, it’s important that it fits properly. If the collar isn’t tight enough, it can cause your skin to rub, which could lead to pressure sores and irritation.

    The length of time that you’ll need to wear a cervical collar depends on your specific condition.

    For moderate neck pain that’s not caused by a sudden injury, it’s often recommended that you don’t wear a cervical collar for more than a week. Extended use of a collar can cause your neck muscles to stiffen and weaken.

    A cervical collar is used to support and protect your neck and spinal cord. These types of collars are typically used for the treatment of neck injuries, neck surgeries, and some instances of neck pain.

    Cervical collars come in soft and hard varieties. The soft type of neck collar is often used for moderate neck pain, while the hard collar is typically used for severe neck pain, spinal fractures, and injuries.

  5. 2023年5月17日 · 至於醫學上的頸椎矯形器,大致可分為兩種:軟身的護頸托(soft neck collar)和硬身的頸箍(rigid neck collar);前者以海綿塑膠或記憶棉製成,後者則是熱塑性塑膠。 如果頸椎屬相對輕微的創傷,例如是交通意外時,身驅受安全帶固定保護,但頭和頸卻因劇烈擺動而引致的「馬鞭式創傷」,當臨床和影像檢查確認無神經受損,除了藥物及物理治療外,傷者或需要短時間佩戴軟頸托來支撐頸椎和紓緩頸痛。 然而軟頸托只能夠減少頸椎屈伸的幅度,並不足以完全限制頭部移動,因此其保護作用有限,反而用作提醒傷者切勿過度活動頸椎,影響受損軟組織的復元。 軟頸托只能夠減少頸椎屈伸的幅度,保護作用有限,反而用作提醒傷者切勿過度活動頸椎,影響受損軟組織的復元。

  6. 2023年5月13日 · A neck collar, also known as a neck brace or cervical collar, is an instrument used to support the neck and spine and limit head movement after an injury. Its purpose is to prevent you from...

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