雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The PISA Governing Board’s Analysis and Dissemination Group (ADG), the Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia and the OECD Secretariat are co-organising a conference on 29-30 November 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The conference aims to discuss, exchange and learn from practices, approaches, and research on the topic of how evidence from ...

  2. 2023年12月5日 · 香港中文大學(中大)教育數據研究中心受教育局委託,早前進行學生能力國際評估計劃(PISA)2022的香港研究。. 結果發現,香港的15歲學生繼續在81個國家及經濟體系中脫穎而出,與2018年相比,數學成績穩居第4位,科學從第9位攀升至第7位,閱讀成績 ...

  3. The PISA 2024 Core 2 contract called for a Strategic Visioning Phase (SVP) within the framework development activities to provide a steering document to inform discussion and prioritisation by the Pisa Governing Board (PGB), prior to the Science Framework that will be

  4. 2019年12月4日 · PISA最新評估:哪個國家的學生最優秀? 2019年12月4日. Getty Images. 自2009年以來的四次PISA評估當中,中國已經三次名列榜首。 全世界哪一個國家擁有最優秀的教育系統? 這個問題的答案可以非常主觀,但是其中一個值得參考的客觀標凖是國際學生能力評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment,簡稱PISA)。...

  5. 18/06/2024 - Singapore, Korea, Canada*, Australia*, New Zealand*, Estonia and Finland were the highest-performing education systems in the first-ever creative thinking assessment under the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

  6. 2020年8月10日 · The latest results, reports, publications and technical documents from the OECD’s triennial PISA test., PISA 2025 Assessment and Analytical Framework.

  7. www2.oecd.org › pisa › publicationsPublications - PISA

    The latest results, reports, publications and technical documents from the OECD’s triennial PISA test., PISA 2025 Assessment and Analytical Framework.

  8. 2023年10月26日 · The first results of PISA 2022 will be unveiled in two volumes on 5 December 2023. The focus of PISA 2022 is mathematics, with an emphasis on mathematics reasoning, to highlight its importance in tackling complex real-life challenges.

  9. 2024年1月9日 · 這一成就反映出香港學生在挑戰中保持學習的穩定性和高效能,特別是在面對2019冠狀病毒病疫情期間的課堂暫停等困難情況下,並且展開了2024年教育局對於針對改善PISA的政策調整。

  10. PISA Scores by Country 2024. Every three years in the worldwide education systems, OECD conducts PISA to test the critical thinking of 15-year-olds in math, science, and reading in over 65 countries that make up 90% of the world’s economies. What Is PISA? Why Does It Matter?