雅虎香港 搜尋


      • "attached for your perusal" is a correct and usable phrase in written English. It is usually used when you want to provide someone with a piece of written material to read and review. For example, "Please find the report attached for your perusal."
  1. 2024年8月2日 · 12句實用電郵句子. 1/ You may refer to the attached document for details. 你可以參閱附件以了解更多詳情。 2/ Kindly refer to the attached document. 請查閱附件。 3/ As requested, the report is attached. 根據要求,已附上報告。 4/ I am attaching XXX for your consideration. 附上XXX供你參考。 5/ I am sending you XXX as an attachment. 我將XXX作為附件發送給你。 6/ I''ve attached the updated document. 附上我們最新的文件。

  2. 2024年6月3日 · 大家不妨可以使用「For your…」句式,這是商務電郵最常用的表達方法。 學好以下7句,就能簡單直接地把訊息傳達啦! For的用法. 說明某件事的對象. 例句︰Will you buy an apple for me? (你會買一個蘋果給我嗎? 修飾事情的本身,而人物為其次. 例句︰It is good for us to eat an apple every day. (每日吃蘋果對我們來就是一件好事。 說明事情的原因及目的. 例句︰I eat apple for staying healthy. (為了保持身體健康,我每天都會吃蘋果。 說明事情發生的時間. 例句︰I drove to Kwun Tong for 1 hour. (我花了一小時才到觀塘。

  3. 2023年10月3日 · Knowing how to properly say "please find attached" can make the process smoother, help you appear more professional, and ensure that your attachments don't go unnoticed. In this article, we'll cover the meaning of "please find attached", when you should say it, different ways to say it, and provide 15 templates you can use to get started today.

    • As Per Our Previous Conversation 就先前我們的談話
    • Attached Please Find… 附件是…
    • Herewith 隨函
    • Perusal 仔細研究
    • Please Be advised... 我(們)要通知你...

    這個用法二十幾年很流行,很多每封 Email 的開頭都是「as per」,但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且 previous 很多餘,直接用 As we discussed / As discussed 就好。 ● As per your request ... => As you requested ● As per our agreement ... => As we agreed ● As per your instructions ... => As you instructed

    以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,「Enclosed please find….」也曾經風行一時。但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要「find」,這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。還有人會用 please see attached,這也不自然。現在大家更愛用 I'm attaching / I've attached,或直接用 Attached is…。 ● Attached please find the following receipt. =>Attached is the receipt. (附上收據)

    Herewith、hereby、herein 這些都很拗口,雖然有些文化悠久的商號還改不了口,但直接用 here 更簡要。 ● attached herewith => attached is, here is

    這個字少見少用,但還真有一位在外商銀行工作的學生寫信就用了這個字,他說在網路學到就用了,這個字改成 review 更自然。以精簡原則修改,原來長長一串的 email 只要一句話:As discussed, here is the revised marketing campaign for Q2 for your review.

    這個詞聽起來也太官樣,像銀行寄信告訴你貸款到期的那種信。直接去掉即可。 ● Please be advised that the check is overdue. => "The check is overdue."

  4. 電郵中,我們可能會加入附件,以便老闆或客戶觀看。有些朋友會很有型地使用「For your perusal」,卻沒有理解背後的意思...

  5. 2020年9月25日 · 但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要“find”,這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。 還有人會用“please see attached”,這也不自然。 現在大家更愛用“I’m attaching”、“I’ve attached”,或直接用“Attached is…”。Attached please find the following receipt. →...

  6. 2020年10月17日 · 其實for your perusal的意思是「把它當成屍體般檢驗」,如果你這樣說豈不是叫其他人把你的attachment當成屍體般檢驗嗎? 這樣好像有點不妥當吧。 其實簡單一句 for your reference或Please review the attached documents thoroughly便可以,並不需要搞得這麼複雜。