雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 若要特別強調「參考」這兩個字,請收信人閱讀並參照檔案內容時,則可以說 ” Please refer to the attached file. ” 「請參考附件檔。 」 refer to 意指「參考」。

  2. 2024年5月23日 · 12句實用電郵句子. 1/ You may refer to the attached document for details. 你可以參閱附件以了解更多詳情。 2/ Kindly refer to the attached document. 請查閱附件。 3/ As requested, the report is attached. 根據要求,已附上報告。 4/ I am attaching XXX for your consideration. 附上XXX供你參考。 5/ I am sending you XXX as an attachment. 我將XXX作為附件發送給你。 6/ I''''ve attached the updated document. 附上我們最新的文件。

  3. It is correct to say “please see attached.” It’s a very common and formal phrase in emails. Most of the time, it’s a professional way to refer the recipient to an attached document. It’s quite polite as well. After all, it uses “please,” so you can’t go wrong with it. You can use it as follows: Please see attached when you get the chance. Pros.

  4. 2023年10月3日 · "Please find attached" is a simple yet effective phrase that signals to the recipient that an important document is included with the email. However, there are more professional and effective alternatives you can say when you need to add an attachment to an email.

  5. 2020年12月4日 · • Please find attached the file you requested. 請於附件查看你所要求的文件。 • Please refer to the attached quote for more details. 詳情請見附上的報價單。

  6. Other ways to say “please see attached” are “I have attached,” “here is,” and “kindly see the attached file.” These alternatives are perfect for showing someone that an attachment is ready for their viewing.

  7. 2020年9月25日 · 現在大家更愛用“I’m attaching”、“I’ve attached”,或直接用“Attached is…”。 Attached please find the following receipt. → Attached is the receipt. (附上收據)

  8. 2017年4月21日 · 寫信時,確認寫信的對象非常重要,在一開始信件的問候就要確實稱呼,才能讓收信人感覺受到尊重喔。. 最常見的問候就是「 Dear + 收信人, 」例如:. Dear Mr. Brown / Miss Brown / Mrs. Brown / Ms. Brown. 其中 Mr. 是指「先生」,Miss 稱呼「未婚女性」,Mrs. 稱呼 ...

  9. 2024年6月29日 · 是一个写邮件时常用的固定表达,可用于正式和非正式邮件中。 例句. 1. Dear Ms O’Brien, Thank you for your question about our prices. These vary depending on the time of year - please see attached for more details. 亲爱的奥布赖恩女士:...

  10. 2016年4月7日 · 6 把 Please find attached 放在最前面後面加上附件的東西,跟上一個用法是一樣的,有人說是比較老式用法 Please find attached my current CV. 附件為我目前的履歷表。

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