雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. [延續幸福故事] 影片講辭: 「幸福快樂」不是大結局,而是續集的開始。 每一日,都是新一頁! 滙豐,伴隨每個角色、每個行業, 共同創寫未來,一起延續故事。

  2. Health is Wealth 5 To further support the science of well-being and better understand the role of financial health, HSBC recently also announced a two-year Research Fellowship in partnership with the University of Oxford’s Well-being Research Centre. Dr. Caspar

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Wealth, health and happiness Financial wellness and what it means The world of finance sometimes sounds complex, ... It might open up chances to do more with our lives than chase higher pay cheques, such as pursuing our hobbies and passions, or giving ...

  5. Jenny. Policy B2 serves as an education fund for Kelly and helps her chase her dream. From Alex’s story, we can see that HSBC Eminent Goal Multi-Currency Insurance Plan not only provides a Currency Switch Option and a Policy Split Option, but allows the

  6. of great happiness. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of people say that their family’s health and wellbeing is the most important thing to them for the future. Almost two in five (38%) say that providing for their own or their family’s future financial security, and 27%

  7. 本計劃是一份具備儲蓄成分的長期萬用人壽保險計劃,在整個保單期內為受保人提供人壽保障,並以非保證每日利息及長期客戶獎賞的形式,提供潛在的儲蓄回報。 為迎合您生活上種種需要,本計劃亦提供靈活的解決方案,讓您可以隨時因應不同的需要 而提取1 保單內的部分現金、調整投保額1或保費供款期,助您應對人生突如其來的轉變。 本計劃並非等同於或類似任何類型的銀行存款。 本計劃如何運作 ? 保單保費費用. 保單行政費用. 保險費用. 扣除. 計劃保費2. 非定期保費3. 附加保障保費4(如有) 淨保費. 戶口價值. 存入. 每日利息. 長期客戶獎賞.

  8. 滙豐聚富入息延期年金計劃就如設計精緻細膩的時計,在您的基本退休金之上,助您拓展當下儲蓄潛力,讓今天及未來的您同時受益。 把握當下一刻 成就不朽未來. 無論是剛成家的您,離退休尚遠;或是在中年尋找穩健投資機遇的您,滙豐聚富入息延期年金計劃(「延期 聚富入息」、「本計劃」或「您的保單」)糅合付款及年金選項,可讓您享受無憂的 退休領域。 長遠市況變幻莫測,定期的收入可讓您安享樂齡;而在您計劃的保費繳付期內,您的 已繳保費將可獲得稅務局薪俸稅及個人入息稅之稅務扣除*: 時機正好,把握當下一刻 – 今天以延期聚富入息作出籌劃,同為未來生活邁向安穩無憂。