雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Recruit為求職招聘媒體,包括全職兼職空缺、職場新聞、求職信/履歷表範本、面試貼士、招聘行情。 Recruit.com.hk - Jobs, Job Search, Career & Recruitment in Hong Kong 求職,搵工及招聘資訊網

  2. RECRUIT翻譯:招聘,吸收;(尤指軍隊)徵募新兵, 新成員,新來的人;(尤指)新兵。了解更多。

  3. Apart from Recruit magazine, Recruit also operates Recruit.com.hk which is one of the leading job portals in Hong Kong providing personalized solutions for job seekers and advertisers. The job portal lists job vacancies under more than 50 industries in real time and it acquires over 520,000 job seeker members and over 10 million page view on ...

  4. Recruit為求職招聘媒體,包括全職兼職空缺、職場新聞、求職信/履歷表範本、面試貼士、招聘行情。 Recruit.com.hk - Jobs, Job Search, Career & Recruitment in Hong Kong 求職,搵工及招聘資訊網

  5. Based in Hong Kong, Recruit is the listed company and trusted partner to more than 400 companies for 25 years. Recruit is able to provide a flexible and tailored-made solution to customers that suits local labour market.

  6. Recruit是招聘求職網站,提供各行業職位空缺,面試貼士、職場及行業資訊等。 除網站外,Recruit Magazine 逢星期二、五於MTR港鐵站內免費派發,為求職者提供最新招聘行業資訊。

  7. to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army. 招聘,吸收;(尤指军队)征募新兵. Charities such as Oxfam are always trying to recruit volunteers to help in their work. 诸如乐施会这样的慈善组织总是在尽力吸收志愿者来帮助他们工作。.

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