雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月24日 · 峰會將於5月13至15日舉行,來港嘉賓包括諾貝爾化學獎得主、美國史丹福大學教授科恩柏格(Roger Kornberg)、聯合國教科文組織前總幹事博科娃(Irina Bokova)、紐約貝萊德董事總經理桑曉霓(Henny Sender)等(見表)。

  2. Media Chinese's portfolio of media products comprises 5 dailies with a total daily circulation aggregating over 1 million copies, 1 daily free newspaper and over 30 magazine titles in key cities in North America, Southeast Asia and Mainland China, serving a vast population of readers with literacy in Chinese-language around the world.