雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Award-winning news and culture, features breaking news, in-depth reporting and criticism on politics, science, food and entertainment.

  2. 2024年7月24日 · 剪頭髮推介2024|香港15間髮型屋推薦:銅鑼灣/尖沙咀等salon地點價錢總覽. 剪頭髮推介有哪些?. 香港的髮型屋選擇極多,但有時太多反而不知道哪一間salon好,最怕選錯salon在染髮、剪髮的追程中弄傷頭髮,到時後悔也太遲。. 編輯們精選出15間港島、九龍、新界 ...

  3. salon noun [C] (SHOP) Add to word list. B1. a shop where you can get a particular service, especially connected with beauty or fashion. (提供服務的)廳,院,室,店;(尤指)美容院,美髮廳,時裝店. a beauty salon 美容院. a hairdressing / hair salon 美髮沙龍.

  4. The village also has a fish and chip shop, and hairdressing salons. Fruit waxes such as peach, apple and strawberry are often used in salons. Other primary thoroughfares contain limited but necessary amenities like supermarkets, pharmacies, barbershops, hair salons, fast food, bodegas, and cheap shops.

  5. 搵緊荃灣 Salon?. HelloToby爲你搜尋各類型荃灣髮型屋,無論你想剪髮、染髮、電髮、做焗油treatment甚至駁髮、梨花頭、負離子直髮、韓式髮型、日系髮型、paimore直療、修瀏海、解決頭皮問題我哋都有至抵獨家優惠畀你揀,快啲揀間Salon剪返個2024當季流行髮型啦!.

  6. (不斷更新) 尖沙咀係髮型屋集中地,選擇多不勝數!搵緊尖沙咀Salon推薦?無論想搵韓式髮型屋或日系髮型屋,區內都總有一間Salon適合你!Toby齊集超過100間尖沙咀Salon,方便您輕鬆搜尋尖沙咀區附近髮型屋,且提供最新 店鋪資訊 髮型參考 限定活動 獨家優惠,立即搵心水尖沙咀髮型屋啦!

  7. Salonicon 成立於2008,港,致力為顧客提供一個舒適的美髮及化妝服務的髮廊,選用日本及歐洲最優質產品,服務體貼,令僱客美髮時,安心寫意。本店位於灣仔地鐵附近, 由地鐵 A2 出口, 轉左步行數間店舖就到,非常方便。. A warm and cosy salon in Hong Kong Island has ...

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