雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Student Railway Passes are only available for the route between the closest station to the school, as specified by each school, and the customer's home station. Student Railway Passes that cover separate routes, for reasons such as club activities or cram

  2. Tokyo Metro's official website. You can view convenient information such as subway map, fares, discount tickets, passes, popular attractions along Tokyo Metro lines, etc. for getting around Tokyo. April 24,2024 Tokyo Metro Academy 2024-2025 March 28,2024 ...

  3. Fares according to age are as follows: Category. Age. Adult. An adult fare applies to persons age 12 and up. However, any 12 year old who is still in elementary school is still considered a child. Child. A child fare applies to persons age six to eleven (the child fare is half of the adult fare. Figures are rounded up to the nearest 10-yen unit ...

  4. 本指南包含各年齡層旅客都能輕鬆瞭解的圖示說明。. 我們相信培養大家對東京地鐵安全的瞭解及興趣,將有助於人們在緊急狀況發生時更冷靜地採取行動,迅速確保旅客的安全。. 袖珍安全指南 (2020 版本:已更新) (4.37MB) Handy Safety Guide (2020 Version: Updated) e-book.

  5. 旅客服務處. 為使不習慣地鐵的旅客等也能安心乘用,我們設置了「旅客服務處」(上野站、銀座站、新宿站、表參道站、東京站、池袋站)及「東急東京Metro地鐵澀谷站遊客諮詢中心」(澀谷站:於2023年3月底時關閉中),提供相關協助。. 若您對車站內或車站 ...

  6. 各年龄层票价如下:. 年龄层. 对象. 大人. 12岁以上的乘客按照大人票价收费,但12岁的小学生仍按照儿童票价收费。. 儿童. 6岁至11岁的乘客按照儿童票价收费。. (儿童票价为大人票价的一半,9日元以内的尾数算10日元。. 使用IC卡乘车时,不收取1日元以下的 ...

  7. 大人. 12岁以上的乘客按照大人票价收费,但12岁的小学生仍按照儿童票价收费。. 儿童. 6岁至11岁的乘客按照儿童票价收费。. (儿童票价为大人票价的一半,9日元以内的尾数算10日元。. 使用IC卡乘车时,不收取1日元以下的小数。. )满6岁但尚未上小学的乘客 ...

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