雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2012年2月24日 · SHIBUYA SKY是高達229公尺的戶外瞭望台,能眺望東京美景,本篇文章將會為您介紹門票、營業時間等最新資訊。 門票. 線上購買. 可至SHIBUYA SKY的官方網站線上購買指定日期時間的入場券,比起當日入場券最多可省下300日圓。 成人:2,200日圓. 國高中生:1,700日圓. 小學生:1,000日圓. 兒童(3歲~5歲):600日圓. 櫃檯購買(視當天入場人數) 可至14樓的購票櫃檯購買當日入場券。 但若線上票券售罄,則無法購買當日入場券。 成人:2,500日圓. 國高中生:2,000日圓. 小學生:1,200日圓. 兒童(3歲~5歲):700日圓. ©澀谷SCRAMBLE SQUARE. 營業時間. 早上10點~晚上10點30分(最後入場時間為晚上9點20分)

  2. 2023年10月6日 · 東京晴空塔及附近景點. ©東京晴空塔. Updated: October 6, 2023. 在東京最高地標下的娛樂文化街道. 從市區各處都能望見的「東京晴空塔」儼然已取代「東京鐵塔」成為日本首要都市的新象徵物。 登上塔頂,底下的街道和對面風景均可盡收眼簾。 天氣好的話,甚至能清楚看見遠處的富士山。 除了「東京晴空塔」這座鐵塔之外,其下方還有大型購物設施「東京晴空街道」、許多有趣的互動式博物館,附近還有復古商店街「下町人情KIRAKIRA橘商店街」等設施。 旅遊指南. 登上「東京晴空塔」體驗高空快感. 前往「東京晴空街道」購買時下流行商品及享受美食. 遊覽鐵路、巴士、菸草與鹽等主題博物館. 交通方式.

  3. 高聳入雲的東京晴空塔是東京最新的休閒設施。 截至2018年,它目前仍是世界最高的塔。 這座巨大高塔高634公尺,在東京櫛比鱗次的建築物中格外顯眼,甫開幕便立刻成為日本與外國情侶的熱門約會景點。 旅遊指南. 歡迎從天望甲板及天望回廊兩座觀景台眺望東京的美麗夕陽。 到「天望甲板 340樓」的咖啡廳品嚐看看晴空塔特製版甜點吧。 從天望甲板的大片落地窗往外眺望,可以看到360度的美景。 前往位於觀景設施低樓層的天望甲板,需要搭乘經過精美裝飾的電梯。 只要50秒就能抵達高350公尺的位置。 如果想欣賞更高處的景色,歡迎前往觀景設施的高樓層,來到位於450公尺處的天望回廊。 雖然從這裡望出去的風景一整天都非常美,但在夕陽西沉,且城市燈火開始點亮時的景象是最浪漫的。 © TOKYO-SKYTREETOWN

  4. 光學投影機播放美麗的星空,透過數位系統高解析度的電腦圖像,邀請觀眾前往太空。 120席全部都是傾斜座椅,其中36席可以90度旋轉,從不同的角度欣賞。 也別忘了參觀大廳的展示區,其位於投影室外,展示天文資訊和照片。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 交通方式. 澀谷站JR山手線半藏門線銀座線副都心線井之頭線東橫線西口步行5分鐘. 聯絡方式. 網站. 東京西部. 澀谷. 關鍵詞. 夜晚景點. 天象儀. 娛樂. 開放時間. 12:00~20:00. 週二週三週四週五. 10:00~20:00. 週六週日國定假日. ※依季節或時期而有所變動. ※最後入場時間為營業結束前60分鐘. 公休日: 週一新年假期公休日若遇國定假日則隔日休息. 其他時間可能因機器檢查等而臨時休館. 費用. 一般費用:600日圓.

    • Tickets
    • Opening Hours
    • Access
    • What's Special About Shibuya Sky
    • Shibuya Sky vs Tokyo Skytree Or Tokyo Tower
    • Tips For Visiting Shibuya Sky

    Purchase Book online

    Tickets can be purchased through Shibuya Sky's official website. Buying a ticket online in advance is up to 300 yen cheaper than at the counter. Adults: 2,200 yen Middle & high school students: 1,700 yen Elementary school students: 1,000 yen Children (3 to 5-year-old): 600 yen

    Purchase at the counter

    Same-day tickets can be purchased at the counter on the 14th floor. However, it's possible that tickets will be sold out for the day if they were sold out online. Adults: 2,500 yen Middle & high school students: 2,000 yen Elementary school students: 1,200 yen Children (3 to 5-year-old): 700 yen ©Shibuya Scramble Square

    Open 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. (last admission is 9:20 p.m.) Shibuya Sky closes on New Year's Day, and it may temporarily close or have reduced hours on other days. The deck may close due to adverse weather conditions. Please check the official website for more info.

    By train

    Shibuya Sky is directly connected to Shibuya Station. The Toyoko Line, Den-en-toshi Line, Fukutoshin Line, and Hanzomon Line have exits which take you to the B2 floor of Shibuya Scramble Square, the building where Shibuya Sky is. The JR lines, Inokashira Line, and Ginza Line connect to the first floor or third floor of Shibuya Scramble Square.

    By car

    Shibuya Scramble Square doesn't have its own parking lot or bicycle parking area. Nearby facilities have partnered with Shibuya Sky to make their parking lots available to visitors. Cyclists can use one of the bicycle parking areas around Shibuya Station.

    Shibuya Sky is a 229 meter (751 feet) tall observation deck located on the 47th floor (top floor) of Shibuya Scramble Square Tower. The open-air deck offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Tokyo. You can look down on the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing, or gaze out at Tokyo Skytree and Mt. Fuji in the distance. The elevator ride from the 14th floor...

    Shibuya Sky, Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower are not the same. Shibuya Sky is next to Shibuya Station. From the platform, you can look down on the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing and Shibuya Center-Gai street. You can also see Tokyo Skytree and Tokyo Tower. The observation deck is on the rooftop, so you can feel outside air. Tokyo Tower is near Toky...

    The best time to go to Shibuya Sky? Just before sunset.

    The best time to book is probably 30 minutes before sunset. However, since it is usually a popular time, make sure to leave some extra time for the queue. Sunset in Tokyo occurs at different times throughout the year. It varies from around 4:30 p.m. in early December to around 7:00 p.m. in late June and early July. ©Shibuya Scramble Square

    Be careful about the opening hours

    Shibuya Sky opens at 10:00 a.m. and closes at 10:30 p.m. You can enter as late as 9:20 p.m. After that, you will not be allowed to enter. There is no time limit, you can stay as long as you like. People usually spend 90 minutes at Shibuya Sky.

    Read the rules before your go

    For safety reasons, you cannot bring travel luggage, food, drink, or animals onto the deck. Loose hats, earphones, tripods, and selfie sticks are also prohibited. You can bring your phone, glasses, and cameras that have a strap or can fit into your pocket to the deck. This means you will need to store any other belongings in the locker on the 46th floor. If you have a larger luggage, you will need to store it in the locker near Shibuya Station.

  5. 2019年10月11日 · 1. 直達宛如耀眼繁星的東京晴空塔. 東京晴空塔站. 要前往東京晴空塔,不妨依自己所在地做選擇,您可以從「淺草」站搭乘東武晴空塔線,或是從「押上」站搭乘都營半藏門線或都營淺草線,於「東京晴空塔」站下車。 「東京晴空塔」站有座相當長的電扶梯可直達東京晴空塔。 4分鐘. 2. 高聳入雲. 東京晴空塔. 高634公尺的東京晴空塔峨然矗立於東京,尤以夕陽時分及冬季晴空萬里時的景致格外美麗。 搭乘電梯即可一口氣登上展望台,電梯內部更以日本優雅傳統圖案精心點綴。 您可以在展望台利用觸控螢幕輕鬆欣賞東京美景。 5分鐘. 3. 企鵝王國. 墨田水族館雖然規模較小,但展示內容相當豐富,中央設有岩地的水族箱為最大亮點,您可以欣賞到一隻隻悠遊在水中的麥哲倫企鵝。

  6. 2012年2月24日 · SHIBUYA SKY位于涩谷站前,能够俯瞰脚下的知名全绿灯十字路口及中心街区,当然也能远眺东京晴空塔及东京塔两座高塔。 此外,展望台位于楼顶,上方没有遮蔽物,能够感受清风吹抚,独具魅力。

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