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  1. 2022年7月21日 · 更新於 2022年7月21日. 由於疫情影響,很多公司的第一輪面試都改為Phone interview,另外有些行業或職位亦較為流行這類面試方式。. 您如果有Phone interview,就要好好預備,看看本文的十條Phone interview熱門問題,爭取贏得出閘機會。. 事實上,相比親身面試 ...

  2. Phone Interview(電話面試)是一種求職過程常見的面試方式,通常由公司的招聘人員或面試官透過電話與應聘者進行交流。 這種方式相比於傳統面試,具有省時、省成本、方便等優點,因此在現代求職市場中越來越受歡迎。

  3. 2017年5月9日 · 而家唔少公司除咗有面對面嘅面試,亦有用作篩選/首輪面試嘅phone interview電話面試)。. 究竟電話同面對面嘅面試有咩分別,又需要點樣準備呢?. 睇睇以下貼士啦!. Jobsdb向全港二十個行業包活資訊及通訊科技界、教育及培訓界、廣告、媒體及 ...

    • Overview
    • Phone interview questions with example answers

    Video: Top Phone Interview Tips: Common Questions and Best StrategiesIn this video, Holl shares advice from expert career coaches on what recruiters look for during an initial phone screen of a job interview.

    Phone interviews are often used by recruiters to perform an initial screening to ensure the candidates they advance to the hiring manager meet their requirements. When interviewing by phone it's important to be thoughtful about your tone and language to provide a clear, helpful answer. Unlike in-person interviews, however, you do have the ability to refer back to notes so you might want to prepare sample answers.In this article, we outline the phone interview process and provide example answers to commonly asked phone interview questions to help prepare you for your next call with an employer. Related: 25 Phone Interview Tips To Get You to the Next Round

    Here is a list of phone interview questions to help you prepare:

  4. 2022年7月21日 · A phone interview is a casual conversation between you and a recruiter over the phone. Usually, this is the first step in the interview process, and it's often a positive sign that the recruiter might be interested in considering you for the job. Often companies conduct phone interviews to screen out the most promising job candidates.

  5. 2023年8月9日 · 一、進行電話面試前的準備. 如同你為了面對面面試所做的準備一樣,首先要了解有關公司以及將面試你的人的所有資訊,在網路上找出面試官的照片,以便你可以想像當你與他們交談時他們會呈現的樣子,可能的話,把他們的照片列印出來,在面試期間放在你的桌子上或是電腦螢幕上。 當你同意電話面試時, 詢問面試大約需要多長的時間—十五分鐘、半小時? 誰會打來? 要聯絡誰? 試著安排一個對你們雙方都合適的時間和地點 ,而不僅僅是配合對方。 二、擬定策略侃侃而談.

  6. 2017年9月3日 · 做好phone interview首先就要知phone interview會問啲乜。 我將phone interview大致分為兩種,一種係formal interview,另一種係casual interview。 Formal interview. 其實大部份phone interview都會係formal interview。 電話一打嚟,首先佢會介紹自己,係乜乜公司打嚟,佢叫咩名,打嚟係想同你做個phone interview。 如果打嚟嘅人係HR,多數都唔會問你好深入嘅topic,而係考語文為主。 好多時會叫你用英文介紹自己,然後一直用英文問你一啲好typical嘅問題,例如「點解轉工」、「點解咁jumpy」、「邊方面係你強項、弱項」等。

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