雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 通利琴行—你的音樂用品及樂器零售商 無論你是想在網上購買入門樂器抑或專業音響產品,通利琴行樂器銷售網店是你的不二之選。通利琴行從事樂器銷售及零售多年,代理多個全球最享負盛名的音樂用品及樂器品牌,包括Yamaha、Taylor、Fender、Pearl、Korg及Marshall等,由結他、鋼琴、數碼鍵琴、色士風 ...

  2. Tom Lee Music is your trusted music centre for buying instruments in Hong Kong and Macau. Find your favorite pianos, guitars & instruments in store & online. FAQs Can I buy Tom Lee musical instruments online? Yes! You can buy musical instruments online at ...

  3. Tom Lee Music Academy focuses on providing a wide range of music courses for both children and adults, music campuses across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and the New Territories. Our teachers are highly qualified professionals dedicated to bringing out the

  4. 通利琴行門市分佈港九新界,立即查看全線門市地址及營業時間。尖沙咀及灣仔旗艦店更特設Steinway Haus專區,多個門市亦設有鋼琴、結他等樂器試彈。

  5. 通利琴行提供各類樂器、音響設備和琴譜銷售,並舉辦音樂課程。

  6. Kay ho 原本想為清義哥安排結他班,不過經Tom Lee Music Acadamy的導師建議,先從Ukulele夏威夷小結他入手,它比較適合小朋友,因為容易上手,更容易有滿足感。果然, 他學完第一堂已經可以彈”Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”的第一句(單音)

  7. Discover the best musical instruments and services at Tom Lee Music, the leading music store in Hong Kong and South-East Asia.

  8. Tom Lee Music 通利琴行. 73,117 likes · 125 talking about this. 有通利,音樂更完美 Think Music, Think Tom Lee

  9. 通利音樂藝術中心提供多元化、深入精闢的兒童及成人音樂課程,分校遍佈港九新界。作為主要支柱,通利多年來師資質素傲視全港,竭力讓學員領略箇中樂趣。

  10. 有關申請詳情歡迎致電總公司 2737 7688 或向通利音樂中心查詢。 For enquirier, please call our head office at 2737 7688 or contact any Tom Lee Music Academy.

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